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RE: Steemit Update: Leaving "Survive Mode" ... and Beta!

in #steemit6 years ago

Well, in the past week, I've had to block two accounts who are throwing their weight around. I muted "I Flag Trash" who at a 62 seems to have enough weight to make my posts invisible. And some other account I blocked was only a 59. Looking at "I Flag Trash"'s account, its clear there are no blogs. And the account only exists to harass and downvote people.

If you really want to see this crypto-currency go away and be a "also ran", then by all means do nothing. Because after seeing how easy it is for someone to buy an account and be able to silence my hard work, all that tells me is your entire model is flawed. And I am not going to contribute to this blockchain with content that could potentially make it more valuable when I know all it takes is some ultra-reactionary person who clearly does not have a cogent argument to lower the user experience here.

Both of these accounts seems like bots that search out key words and downvote content over a broad spectrum. And the reason I feel they are bots is that both times each account that downvoted my content had one negative sentence about my content that was completely without any specific argument against the content.

So basically is what you have now is a super-powered 8 year old who is nagging anyone they disagree with and basically telling anyone with something to say out of mainstream media that "You're stupid! because I said your stupid!".

And honestly, if the whole thing goes down the drain because your loyal users who helped build a big user base, stop using Steemit because it got trolled to death by ultra-reactionary negative bot accounts, you can't say we didn't warn you.

Powering down until it's all gone unless I get confirmation you've fixed it.



No one bought that account. It is owned by NGC NEXTGENCRYPTO BERNIESANDERS IFLAGTRASH and I could list probably 200-300 more at LEAST. He is behind the whole platform. All of his crypto was 'premined' BEFORE launch. The man paid nothing for any of it. And to boot he is powering down as he has leached all that needed to be leached. They are like financial vampires. The little guy buys in.. and they blood suck you for all your worth.. treat you like shit once you dust off the sugar candy coated bullshit.. and now time to exit and allow the platform to implode. You can see my posts to learn more. This is a grand exit. And this was never set up to help anyone but their own selves. We have all had the wool pulled over our eyes. My eyes are wide open. I know so much shit your head would spin.

There is no "fixing it". This was an experiment for the next blockchain.

"Feb 7, 2018 - In 2013, Dan Larimer started BitShares, a crypto-exchange managed ... America's military-industrial complex, working on defense projects, drones and ... "

He just magically went from working for the US Military Dept. Of Defense.. to making blockchains.. hmm..

The sad truth is the next blockchain is just going to be history repeating itself.. it literally has the exact same people behind it as are right here.. right now..

They got their data.. THEY made well over 500,000,000.00. It is done now. Once they finish pulling what is left it will collapse. It is called the tragedy of the commons. Destroyed by greed. It was powered by lies. The people who you seek to help you are the very people who are doing the attacks.. and you would not even believe me if I told you who they are.. follow the bread crumbs.. truth is stranger than fiction.

Take care man.

This is fascinating! Well, it would make a Hell of a documentary film! Did you see a film on Netflix called Fyre? Its about a scam artist who organized a party/concert in the Caribbean.

What you are telling me seems similar in deceit. But, much more effective in terms of being technically legal and profitable. Wow!

Sometimes you just have to step back and be amazed by the whole thing. Good thing my income doesn't depend on Steem. I feel bad for all the people who thought this was going to be their ticket to freedom.

Followed you. Would like to stay in touch about all this. Like I said, it would be a wild documentary film. And it sounds like you have a good grasp on it all.