So far I have received 2 notices that were "deemed spam" by Facebook.
The first one was when I made a joke about the Atlas robot from Boston Dynamics. I posted under it, "Where do we shoot it if it goes rogue?". And ironically, the A.I. bot on Facebook screened my comment about destroying a rogue AI.
The 2nd time was today when I tried to link a video I shot about a songwriters festival. I cannot see any rhyme or reason why it thought this was spam. But, I have the feeling that once you are deemed a trouble maker by the AI, it becomes ultra-sensitive to anything you post. So, enough with their shadow banning BS. Honestly feel Steemit and Dtube are the beginning of the end of Facebook and Google.
So I am in the midst of building my channel here on Steemit and Dtube. So far I have to admit to some frustration. I do see my reputation going up. And I see my value building. But, I have had several errors trying to upload videos to Dtube. I am even rendering out at 480p to make it upload quicker.
So if anyone can help me make sure I can upload content on a more consistent basis, I would really appreciate it. So far I have used Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and Safari. Could the issues arise from an issue by using my Macbook Pro? I also have a PC workstation and I have uploaded with that.
And I really want to help everyone rid the world of Facebook and see it's equivalent on a Steem powered platform where friending, sharing, and commenting on a social network generates crypto coins.
Also stands to reason someone else will create a network that competes with steem. And essentially that will allow even more uses to earn more as these crypto generating networks expand. It's a very exciting time to be alive!
It's clear that I'm new in Steem, but the fact it's decentralized and not regulated as facebook is attracts me more, facebook is already a tool to spy on people/ control masses and advertising platform, expressing you opinion can get you in trouble, also it gives out too much of information about the person using it , and entitles the website to have copyrights to share all your details and sell it to promoters, What I'm trying to say as internet evolves so does the websites that were the biggest hits come and go facebook has already reached its peak times and I expect it on a downhill if they don't improvise to the decentralization revolution of the internet, which I feel is happening and will continue to take place in the following years.
Yeah, now that the cat is out of the bag and people know their data can earn them currency, YouTube and Facebook are going to be a story one day. Nothing more.