^^Click to see my Video on this^^
Regardless of what you think of the Parkland Shooting Hoax, can we all agree that Freedom of Speech is our most important right? The fact that hundreds (if not thousands) of Youtube Channels are being terminated for revealing all the bullshit in this latest "shooting" should be enough to raise the alarm bells... but now Steemit is also being censored. I learned about this today when I clicked on one of my own tweets:
Click on the link and try it yourself - this is what you'll see:
![Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 6.11.12 PM.png]
So what exactly is going on? Well, it turns out that SHILLS are quite active on the steemit platform. Actively flagging anything that their "employers" deem too... revealing.
My post being downvoted by @sneak
Fitting name for a douchebag shill who spends most of his time DOWNVOTING content he doesn't like (all in a days work I guess).... I mean how many of us here actually go around flagging and downvoting stuff we don't like or agree with?This particular shill is starting to get noticed here on Steemit. His name is Jeff Paul and his steemit account is @sneak
who has been actively involved in presenting important information on Child Actors being used for Parkland Hoax.
Indeed others have also been subject to @sneak's slimy downvoting. As evidenced by Steemit user @clarityofsignal
If you take a look at his history on steem you'll see a pretty disturbing patterning of this:
Lucky for us we can see this history and identify the culprit. Here's his twitter (as if the above wasn't obvious enough):
Pretty damn SHILLY!
A good question to ask is why would a guy living in Germany be so active in trying to flag conspiracy theories on an American "shooting".
What's interesting to note is that it appears that he is clearly in favour of the 2nd Amendment as evidenced in his tweets:
This is not really uncommon as they carefully place people in strategic positions to control both sides (you know - you're fake left-right paradigm) of the narrative.
Perhaps this turd will show up and try to defend his hardcore Shilling? Perhaps he can provide conclusive proof that an actual shooting really went down... instead of actively trying to suppress any evidence that exposes it for being and absolute hoax!
Thanks for taking the time to read and watch the video. Please resteem and share this if you can!
I see he's busy flagging @familyprotection. Protecting pedophiles?
HEY BUDDY!!! Nice to see you commenting. Your last video call in from cancelled channels was awesome couple hours to listen to! Love your show!
I think a full examination into his flagging would be of importance. See the patterns! Never heard of @familyprotection but if they're exposing Pedos... that's pretty messed up!
Maybe this is all to keep the clicks coming, hitting posts on hot button topics. I've seen a lot of flagging with vaccine posts, with posts made about posts and discussing the flagging. Good for Steemit Inc. and the platform, I imagine.
At least the work is still there.
triggered him.Or maybe @sneak doesn't read and watch what some of us do and you've
It's too bad, had you met him another way maybe you could have been friends. Did you catch the 'unicorn hunter' bit on his twitter? Of course he might mean something else by it, maybe not rainbow unicorns.
As far as @sneak downvoting the @haejin posts, I'm pretty sure I've seen a few posts about @haejin draining the rewards pool big time.
That would be sad and depressing if someone downvoted the work you put your heart into . I guess you really cant please everyone .
Upvoted and resteemed to the @originalworks team for mass dispersion.
Many Thanks!
Now I'm not saying this dick head is in the right, but I wouldn't call in censorship per say. You can still see the post. your post wasn't deleted permanently. You only have to hit show 2 times and boom your post is still there. Yes you loses the money because of this scumbag, but your word is still there
Well, there we have the block chain, censoring away. Can’t say I’m surprised. Nothing real and authentic can get big or even medium sized in the current beast system. The total lock down is coming.
Nowhere values free speech anymore. This Steem place seems like it's BS too and this sneak dildo has been flagging a ton of stuff. Appears he's the steem thought police. Guess the dick never heard of letting people have a voice. F him and F this platform. Only gives crypto to shills anyway.
I know right? It would be a bit naïve to assume that whoever is behind steemit doesn’t know and approve of these proceedings. Let’s get real, these down voting maggots have been part of the entire concept from the start.
Aren't you on Bitchute?
No - I haven't checked out Bitchute yet. I'll look into it though!
Wow this is fucked. I was going to say that we should all upvote you to counter this. But the guy has a shit ton of steem power. Mostly delegated, from where I do not know. There are trolls on here but I did not know it was this nasty. At least they cannot outright delete you like youtube. And I'm sure a lot more people on here support you than those that don't.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
It pains me to see that this is what is happening. You are the most censored. I have had it. You are one of the best and to see you attacked everywhere you go for using your freedom of speech is disgusting. We are here for you Jeff.
Thanks so much! We definitely need to speak out against this!
Got my upvote!!
WOAH - I came here specifically to avoid censorship. I'll be following this thread, and you to stay on top of this to see how it plays out. At least there's a record of who/what's going on here. Wow. You got my upvote, hope this helps! Power to the people!
Thank you for exposing this shill I already suspected that there was a strong liberal bias on steemit main feeds but now it is clear why. I hope it isn't steemit employees doing this.