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RE: I Feel So Hurt And Sad, I Can't Find the Words Or The Answers To Express How I feel. Steemit Gives Me An Outlet To Share With People My Pain.

in #steemit7 years ago

All you can do from this point is to give it all that you have from this point forward. That is not to say that you need to pretend like the past never happened, this is to say to take the lessons learned in the past and use them to do better in the future. The word "repentance" literally means to change one's mind, it is an ongoing process to cease living for self and to start living for God and others. In a sense what I am saying, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, is that although I understand that you must be really hurting (I don't know a great deal about your personal situation mind you, just what I've read in this post) you really need to try your best to move past the way that you are feeling, as hard as that sounds, and be the best man you can be for your wife simply because that's what she deserves. What I'm saying may not make sense, I don't know, maybe you already know all this. But what I'm talking about is a paradigm shift of sorts, your wife needs to see that you are doing things for her, simply because you want her to be happy because she deserves it and NOT necessarily because you are trying to patch up the relationship. Sorry if what I'm saying is coming off a little insensitive or non-sensical, I really am just trying my best to give you some advice.

All the best man, I hope it all works out for you :) Chin up!