Wow thank you! I'm gonna check out your community for sure!
Wow thank you! I'm gonna check out your community for sure!
Awesome, the SLACK is where a lot goes down, many STeemians working together. Posting our article here now
Sweet, I've joined up. :D
I really appreciate the support, you need anything let me know. In our slack I am also sflaherty, but you can call me Steve. Really great to meet you, about to call it a night but pop by the SLACK tomorrow, I will introduce you around
Yeah it's pretty dead over there right now. Can there be a Homesteading category? :D
We can create one for you, not a problem. We have a few east cost USA guys in there so its a little dead at night but I am working on getting more people in there. Its pretty active though during the day. First thing in the morning I will hook you up with that channel for Homesteading, not a bad idea. Great meeting you, about to call it a night but swing by tomorrow. Feel free to drop your articles in there too, they go upvote crazy usually lol
That's fantastic! Thanks man! Can't wait to get to know ya better!
Doors always open, really great to meet you. Have an amazing night my friend