Did you know steemit has membership levels?

in #steemit8 years ago


I didn't know when I first joined steemit about membership levels and thought it would be a good idea to make this post for all the new members.


This is a screenshot of a table breaking down the different levels courtesy of https://steemd.com/distribution. The first column shows the approximate dollar value of steem power that you would need to have to be classified in that group (looks like I'm working my way up to user). The next column along is how many MV or MVests you need for that level, which as I understand is 1 million vests. At the time of writing this post, 1 MV is the equavalent of 482.486 steem power (or a little over a $600). Next is the level, which each has its own unique name. Personally I quite like the names of the levels, I mean who doesn't want to be called a superhero or a legend? I know I do. Then comes the accounts and accounts % columns, this basically just shows the amount of users that have been online in the last 12 hours in each group at what percentage that makes up of the entire steemit community. Lastly, is the stake column which shows how much stake is in each group, obviously gradually increasing as the levels go up. As you can see from the bottom 73.47% of all stake in steem is currently inactive.

I think this is a fun feature of steemit that not many people may know about. Even though it may not play a core role in the steemit community, it's a fun idea to feel like you're "ranking up" as your steemit account grows.


Didn;t know that, thank you

Steem and the blockchain set up is a complex topic. I'm slowly learning about it all and this is something new I didn't know.

I join @djohan in saying thanks as well @fatboyjames.

That is pretty cool. Looking forward to achieving superuser status!

Gonna feel good to be super something!

I know the post is 3 months old but I am new here and your post made google search!! Thanks for sharing.

No better proof of steemit being the best place for your blog when it shows up on google.

wow...I want one

Looking at your account you'd fit in to the "user" level. As far as I understand it doesn't make much change to your account.

Yes I know :)))

This is great information. So apparently I'm either 'Superuser' or on my way there.

Looks like you're there to me

Damn It's quite The jump in between levels

Thanks for the info.

Thank you for sharing this Blog :)

nice post. very helpful.