I always wanted to have a home photo studio, but I knew these things are expensive and if you are not making pictures for a living or hobby then it is not really required to have it. I was looking for a Youtube video where someone bought an affordable home photo studio and I found one that you could buy at Amazon.com It has more than 1000 reviews and it costs around 50 euros! Too bad they don't ship to the Netherlands or even to Europe. I also checked amazon.uk, same story.(I forgot the name, sorry!)
Later on, I checked amazon.de and I found the OUBO so I decided to go for this one. The only problem was that they don't ship to the Netherlands, so annoying! Luckily my mother in law lives in Germany and was about to visit us here in the Netherlands. I let it ship to her address and now I have it! If you are a professional photographer you probably think this is for amateurs. Well, I agree with you! I am not a professional photographer and this is just for hobby and my hobby is Steemit :-) and this is an investment too. If it wouldn't be for Steemit, I probably wouldn't buy it at all.
I received the package that my mother in law brought with her and was so excited to open it. I was a bit afraid something was broken or not working that I had to return it. I opened it in our bedroom and I think my bedroom is suitable for placing the home studio because we have a large empty wall. It's golden but it's getting boring making pictures with that wall as a background. I don't like to make pictures outside because first of all it's ice cold and second I don't like people staring at me, especially moms and dads of the kids going to the same school as my kids.
The first thing I saw when unpacking the OUBO, was 4 backdrops. 2 white, 1 black and 1 green. I read many bad reviews of the backdrop fabrics that go along with the home studio, doesn't matter what brand. They are full of wrinkles and people are not able to get rid of the wrinkles. The fabric is made from a non woven material and easy to melt when you iron it. A you see on the first picture, the backdrop has many wrinkles. I tried ironing with a damp cloth on top and I tried steaming it. Both methods didn't work. :-( I read on the internet that backdrop paper works the best. So maybe I should buy backdrop paper. Here in Holland it's super duper expensive. Everything that has to do with creativity is expensive in Holland.
This is a reflector and on the piece of paper it says I receive 5 reflectors in gold, white, black silver and transparent. Well, I only received 1, that's what I thought. Apparently the black you see on the other side and the gold and white at the inside and a separate transparent one. So it was reversible.
The next thing I took out of the box was a bag to put all the equipment inside. Very handy if you want to travel.
Later on I took out two softboxes where you have to place the lights.
Two lamps of each 135 watt.
Three backdrop clamps.
Two lighting stands.
This is the background system where you hang the backdrop. It can go till 2m high.
I placed the lamps inside the softboxes and covered it. Little did I know where and how to place the softboxes.
I followed the instructions and ironed it low heat using a damp pressing cloth between iron and fabric. It didn't work. So I tried to steam it but it also didn't work. So stupid material!
In general I am happy because it is my first home studio. The lighting is not that strong I think but it is OK. I am mainly unhappy about the backdrops full of wrinkles. Now I have to sort of photoshop the wrinkles. I have a free app on my phone where I can do that.
On the left you see the picture with wrinkled backdrop and the right side I removed the wrinkles by using a mobile photoshop app.
I made a picture of my husband and sons.
Another picture of my mother in law. I used a silver reflector on the left side. You see the difference in her glasses. She doesn't know I put her picture on Steemit. :-D
The wrinkles are unfortunately very visible. I am happy the lights and the background system are at least in good condition because I can find other alternatives for the backdrops. I paid for this OUBO home studio 84 euros. Not expensive at all I think. For the pictures I used my Samsung galaxy s7 phone.
Do you also have a home photo studio and do you have tips how to get rid of the wrinkles?

Great work❕ it's good to know Steem has been able to help so many people.
If you would like to take your photography to another level, I recommend checking out the Canon EOS M3.
Much like the photo studio, it's a great piece of equipment, for an even greater price❕
Something you might need, as you start to advance in the world of Steem 👍✨
thtas so ...
Thank you very much for the tip! Yes, I do have to invest in a better camera. I also heard about the Canon EOS 30/33 D? Its more for fashion shoots, which I like about it. But that one costs 3000 euros! SO expensive!
I love seeing people being able to get what they need to create from funds generated on steemit. Best of luck to you! Im hoping i can get enough for a new computer. I'm very good with special effects but nothing I want to do can render in a resonable amount of time on my computer. So I'm settling for quick edits and minimal motion graphics... For now. 😀
Thats very nice of you to say :-). I wish you all the best. Always try to learn and never give up :-). I hope you will soon will have enough to buy a new computer.
This is great! I’m so happy for you that you were able to invest in a home studio. My husband and I have been looking into lighting for our home space to make better photos and videos. I probably won’t get a full studio but I am looking into the ring lights for a start. I do like taking my photos outside but as far as videos I would rather be in my quiet room. My husband is also looking into making some LED lights too. It’ll be a fun project for him to try and for me to benefit from lol! 😁
Yes, I am very happy, thank you! Since you are living in the US, I think it is much easier find good budget items. Here in Europe it is a scarce to get affordable good quality items for very low price. I also would LOVE to buy the ring light! But I will wait till steem prive goes up because I still see shadows on my white backdrop using my two light umbrella's. Yes, I also don't like filming when my husband is near me or anyone else, just feels awkard. Wow, that is very nice of your husband :-). why don't you make a post about the making of the LED lights? Good luck to your husband ;-). hahhahahah you let your husband sweat for you hehehhe :-)
I can definitely understand that. I am able to find pretty decent prices online. Yes I have seen great reviews with the ring light and wanted to try it out. At least you have something to start with and get practice with using ;)
Lol sometimes I see the neighbors watching me when I am taking my photos, it does feel weird sometimes but I just keep going.
Yes if he decides to try the LED lights I will definitely post the process! Haaa yep he’s gonna be working hard for me :D
Nice to hear that one of your dream came true.You worked hard to get it.Wish you more success in life.@upvoted and resteemed.
Thank you @rupok. Yes I always work very hard on my posts. I am happy people also see that. It would be terrible to earn money the easy way right? I wish you too more success in life and most important:health. Thanks for the upvote and resteem.
Congrats! It's inspirational to hear that you purchased this stuff using money you made from Steem. If you don't mind me asking, about how long did it take you to reach that level of earnings?
Many thanks @phil917. Yes, I am surprised I can purchase this home studio with steem money. Last year I wouldn't even believe I could achieve this. Well, it's difficult to say, because in the beginning I earned just few cents with my posts and stopped posting for 8 months. After that it started getting better. I am also member of sndbox. Members of sndbox get an upvote but you have to pay a fee of 40 std a month to sndbox.
I have been looking into @sndbox and very interested in becoming a fellow. I really want my needlework arts initiative to spread and invite more Steemicans along to share their creativity. The #NeedleworkMonday initiative that you are familiar with through my posts has really taken off well. I would love to be able to curate more of the artists works and be able to encourage more to begin sharing their needle art here. My goal is to get the Steemit blockchain full of handmade crafts and to inspire others to pick up their needles or get started with learning a new craft. I could really use the support in doing this. Would you consider nominating me to join with you all?
Hi @crosheille, I am happy to hear you are interested in becoming a member of the @sndbox community. I can nominate you, no problem :-). I just want to give you some information regarding the terms/conditions of @sndbox because not everybody knows the terms/conditions. So a few of them are:
I have some posts that doesn't have more than 300 words(i think around 200) but I do use many pictures/gifs and some videos of the process of my work.
If you are fine with these, I will nominate you tomorrow . Let me know ok? :-)
Hey @fathin-shihab! Thank you so much for getting back with me and being willing to nominate me. I do have some questions to make sure I’m clear on the terms.
Do all of my posts have to have 300 minimum words and a minimum of 3 photos or just the ones I use the sndbox tag for? Also for the religious posts? Am I not allowed to post anything about religion or just the posts I use the sndbox tag for?
So we are allowed to use the tag in one post per day right?
I would be okay with the monthly fee :)
Only the posts with @sndbox tag. :-) so with the tag only once a day. If So I will nominate you then ;-).
Awesome! Yes I am okay with the terms to be nominated! Thank you so much!! I hope they accept me! ☺️
Wow the price is very good. Nice Fotos from your family.
Yes, I also agree. the home studios is quite affordable. Thank you :-)
This sounds awesome ! bey you'll have lots of fun with this set.
Hope you find a fix for the wrinkles :)
What kind of projects are you planning to use these with ? (other than turning your mother in law into an unknowing Steemit star ;) )
Thank you @pbock! I think with the green backdrop I will have a lot of fun! hahah! yes, she is a steemit star ;-) I will need the home photo studio mainly for showing my sewing projects.
Pretty cool you used your steemit earnings to spruce up your home studio!!
Many thanks! Yes, I am happy I could buy this with Steem money :-) . I am also happy I didn't spend much money on a home photo studio. As a beginner it is not necessary to go wild on a home photo studio :-D.
Wow, looks like a great setup :)
Thank you @jiujitsu!
Wow that's great! You have a legit studio now
hehehe, thanks @drewley! :-)
Hard work does pay. The evidence is clear. Keep soaring high. More blessings.. @fathin-shihab
Yes, hard work paid off :-). You too more blessings @masterwriter :-)
Wow....It's fantastic decision taken by you @fathin-shihab. I wish you the best for future succeed. You're very creative.
Well decided to buying OUBO Home photography studio using your steem money. It's pretty good investment program. It placed nice location. Awesome captures of your kids, mother in law and handsome guy of your hubby @tarekadam.
hahhaha thank you! I will tell him that you said he is handsome ;-)
Wow this is really cool thing you bought and you deserve it too you are the most creative person i know on steemit :D
Awwww thank you for the sweet words @blazing :-). This really makes my day happy :-).
that made my day awesome too have a great day cheers :D

you too a great day :-)
It sure is cool !Steemit has sure changed life of many ;)
The Setup looks pretty nice ;)
Long live Steemit (Steem)
Nice start with it ;)
Thank you :-)
Wow, keren banget, punya studio foto sendiri. Lebih keren lagi karena belinya pakai income dr Steemit. Btw, untuk backdrop itu dibuat dari material apa ya? kalo di indonesia backdrop biasanya cuma kain biasa, kalau kusut tinggal disetrika.
Iya, makasih. Itu bahan sintetis non woven. Mungkin lebih baik pakai kain biasa ya. Ini di setrika dikit lengket di setrika.
really well done. invest in yourself and maybe one day you will be a professional photographer. follow your dreams :)
Nice @fathin-shihab 👍👍👍
a nice shipment, warm greetings from indonesia
Great @fathin-shihab
Wow this is great! I wanted to have a nice camera that can take a better quality photo for my blog because i'm a newbie in steemit. I wanted to show the beauty of our place in here. But it is way too expensive. I hope i can buy one someday. 😊 Also, the one trick i knew about preventing wrinkles is go on an upward motion when massaging your face by any kind of cream. Downward motion can make wrinkles. :)
Well, I wasn't talking about wrinkles on the face :-). But wrinkles on the backdrop ;-). but thanks for the tip.