GREAT post and you gotta love MQT (not really, you can't love or even like a person that continues to spread untruths). It is amazing how far @SuperiorCoin has came since the split. #SuperiorCoin is traded on 3 exchanges and listed on which is a huge accomplishment. I have remained pretty quite and haven't said much but not anymore MQT has continued to try and discredit Superior Coin and Nathan Senn through intimidation and threats as you can see from his comments on this page. The people have looked at the facts and they speak for themselves. He has tried to manipulate the price and other underhanded techniques. The people have spoken and Superior Coin continues to grow. The person that needs to cease and desist is MQT. A reputation of 3 speaks loads and I am not being paid to write this. If Superior Coin was so important to MQT he would be trying to build it up and not bring it down. I got lucky and got my initial investment back and the current Superior Coin Management Team allowed me to keep the coins that were in my wallet. I have since invested more and I earned the coins I was allowed to keep by promoting the project from the beginning and continue to promote @Kryptonia and Superior Coin. I helped Superior Coin become the Official Cryptocurrency of Citizens Action Network which is a growing worldwide all volunteer network on Facebook ( CAN has the main page, 50 state pages, several country pages, numerous "special interest" pages and has a few affiliate pages. Thanks to posts like this and there has been many we have exposed what has become known as a "Snot Goblin" . Put that in your search engine and you will find some great stories. Again Thanks for this post and beware the Snot Goblin lives. @fhstralow
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The Slime Goblin: A Coinophia Tale Kindle Edition
by Jacqui Cooper (Author) - eBook already up (Support authors)
This is a great book. I fully recommend everyone reading it.
Awesome. I didn't know she wrote a book I will have to check it out. I knew she had wrote some stories that I read. Thanks for letting me know Ms. Joan. Is it available on Amazon US?
Tried to buy his support. Only way can get people to help you.