I know how you feel! I'm doing steemit on top of my full time day job and a part time night job. In fact, I'm eating my dinner getting ready for job 2 as I type this. It's tough and it important to take a break now and then to recharge your batteries :) Enjoy your time off and see you when you get back :)
I just wish I could take the time off from the real work and do this! Much more fun :D Your work seems like a hassle, remember to take care of yourself!
I'm sure in time, if you continue to grow your account like you have, that you will be able to live off steemit very soon! :) My work is a hassle sometimes, it's certainly tiring. But thanks, I will remember :)
Haha, that will be a long way to go with the spending habits I have, a girl needs new clothes.. ;D Weirdly, as you never see me wearing much...
lol! I can understand that :)