My issues seem to be the same as everyone else. When I click on my wallet it opens in a new tab (which is handy) but when I click on someone elses wallet I am redirected to their steemit wallet page and stuck there. The back arrow doesn't take you back and there are no links back to steemit.
Once I find my way back to steemit I have to log in again because as others have mentioned, despite having 'keep me logged in' checked, I must enter my information again. To be fair this is something that has always annoyed me, while logged in if I click to open a steemit link in a new tab I must log in on that tab as well.
We're looking into this issue.
Any word on the other issue I listed?
"When looking at my curation or author rewards it links to the post that earned said rewards, the problem being that now the link has been changed to post url here) which is not a valid address.
Could you make sure that the links point to the correct URL of the posts that received the rewards?"