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RE: My Talk with @TheArcaneBear

in #steemit8 years ago

That was a great talk. I had a hard time hearing it however. My bad hearing is to blame though, not you two!

It is crazy to think about how crypto and Steemit are changing the business world. As you both explained, there's no good reason to stay in one spot anymore.

Does your government make it difficult to run a business? Move. Can your business be done online? Go live somewhere like Panama where your expenses, taxes included, are drastically lower.

We are the pioneers of a new frontier. I am doing Steemit to help people with residential security and to teach them about what private investigators do. That's my niche. What's yours?

Everyone has a skill to share. Everyone can put effort into becoming a master in a skill. Then share that skill online and on Steemit! What are people waiting for?! The world isn't going to change itself.

We have to do it.

Thanks again guys. You two are great, and I'm honored and thankful to know you both and call you friends!