In order for the overall system to improve, individuals need to do actions that are not only repeatable but also scalable. Think about it this way, if each person only did things that, when done by every person in the system, makes the system better, then the system gets better. It's the exact opposite of why there is a huge backup of cars waiting for 10 extra minutes on the freeway because the guy at the front of the backup paused for an extra 10 seconds to look at the fender bender on the other side. Each person waiting 10 extra minutes in the queue is upset because the jackass in front is gawking, but once they have been force by another to wait, they feel entitled to also take an extra 10 seconds at the front to gawk, thus perpetuating the cycle. That is negative emergence. If everyone were self-aware enough to only do things that are positive when scaled to the whole network, then the network will absolutely become much better, smart, and more efficient.
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I like your analogy here, thanks for commenting brother.