Tell a tale, yes, and have a whale of a time, oh most definitely yes. Cook with whale? The honey bugger in me is not so sure. It reminded me of a bumper sticker in the 80's:
Ah, the good old days. You can't make a joke anymore without reducing someone to a puddle of tears. Off to the Internet to blubber and organize a boycott.
That's why I wrote my E-Book: "Coddle Yourself Into Crisis."
Music to my ears. I inserted the closet picture just so the reader's peripheral vision wouldn't see "Satoshi" early and ruin the joke.
Incidentally, you're a chef extraordinaire: Why not cook up some Whale Tail Stew and do a post?
Quill (Satoshi)
Tell a tale, yes, and have a whale of a time, oh most definitely yes. Cook with whale? The honey bugger in me is not so sure. It reminded me of a bumper sticker in the 80's:
"Save the Whale. Harpoon a fat chick".
Make of that what you will.....
@fionasfavourites ,
Ah, the good old days. You can't make a joke anymore without reducing someone to a puddle of tears. Off to the Internet to blubber and organize a boycott.
That's why I wrote my E-Book: "Coddle Yourself Into Crisis."
Quill (Satoshi)