Ah, @quillfire
I have a message for you from The Husband: he advises that as much as he is a Weber convert, his preferred method of cooking is on an open fire, i.e. THE BRAAI and why we built the braaikamertjie and I will let @jaynie or @braaiboy explain that to you.
He has also said that he will provide me with a photo opportunity in said braaikamertjie, of him in action. Probably cooking a large chunk of beef. Or a lamb chop. And most definitely boerewors which will also most definitely be eaten with the fingers.
And as for McD's. I have only ever had one burger, and funnily enough its memorable more for the fact that it was with a friend when he helped me pick out the other necessary nice to have - a little music system - with the balance of the Weber windfall!
Henceforth, only ever coffee and balloons from McD, and that 20 years ago. Never before or since.
You poor man, having to descend to that.
You should have come to my house!
I'd have fed you....
"Jeese, that's a big braii." She looked at me funny.One of the prices one pays for being in the Power House Creatives is having to be repeatedly braii-brainwashed by @jaynie. You'd think she was selling ... what ... firepit stones. I was watching the news the other day and there was a big forest fire in California. I mentioned to my daughter.
Googled it. Distance between Sarasota, USA and MacGregor, S.A. is 7,917.45 miles (12,741.91 kilometers ... and that's as the crow flies). That is a long delay when you're hungry. :-)
The Husband needs no braai-brainwashing. He was doing that with mates (not parents) as a 10-year old with fish, next to a dam in the then Rhodesia. He MUST light a fire at least once a week or withdrawal sets in.
We shall have to do something about this long distance relationship!Posted using Partiko Android