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RE: Dummies Guide to Keeping Your Cool on Steemit!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I wish I had a few bots that could help me with my work but I can't code to save my life. I'm a Sea Monkey currently drifting from a Big fish to a Dolphin but i'm a Sea Monkey who's content with his life!

In my personal-professional life I've had the opportunity to work and engage with people who make $10K by the minute 24/7/365! In the process I've perhaps gained the mindset of the whale if not the wallet. I come from a country most people define as part of the third world but that hasn't stopped me from being the best I can be!

Here's my introduction. You are welcome to go through it.

Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment.


Thank you for ur reply if you a sea monk I'm the turtule. Trust me when I say it, what I'm promoteing nobody want's to know it's like I'm trying to give vigtable to kids and telling them this is good for you'r health and there like no thank you. But I love doing what I'm doing and would not exchange it with all the money in the world, because I believe the truth is priceless.

Ofcourse! Sometimes you have to believe in what you are doing is right and proceed! :)