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RE: Let's Talk—Bitcoin Dives and Creates an Incredible Opportunity To Buy Some Cheap Steem!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I get your point but when Steem was at 7 cents, people were still FUDing and expecting it to tank further, and we know how that went. People felt it was irrational to buy Steem at 10-15 cents and felt it was worth lower. I don't recall any experts here expecting the price to pump as high as it did. Ofcourse BTC pumped a lot then but then BTC had been on an upward swing for a while and Steem was really late to catch on with it's own rallies.

Do we know for sure that Steem will get any lower or higher. No we dont! This is as good a time as was in June to get some Steem, and even then people were hyping up BTC and other cryptos and look where we are today. :) Just gotto get in with both feet and ride the wave or the dive as it comes. That's crypto!

I must add, it's great to see you stop by on my blog.