Obviously a marketting person wrote the post. Someone who has mastered being evasive and trying to spin garbage as something we want or can agree too. No matter how you spin it, Tron is still as Justin Sun Said, S___. The answer that Tron/Justin Sun refuses to answer is why the f___ do they need a steem tron coin. Now that the atomic swap has been mentioned, it brings up new dangers to the Steem chain. Still the same dangers of the new mintage for which Sun Tron has not given any info on, but certainly a backdoor to try to get behind the issue of the control that the consensus witnesses have; Basically an open invitation for more Ninja mining on Tron's end that gets instantaneously swapped over to steem. In a matter of seconds or minutes the CCP owns all 20 consensus witness servers. Whether he allows Steem to exists as a block chain is doubtful, but the chain will effectively be dead whether it exists as a BTSF of a block chain once it is centralized. Again, Why does Justin Sun need a Steem Tron coin? He really doesn't.
Since Steem is open source, and supposing he truly wanted steem's technology, he is perfectly capable of running his own Steem chain. He is perfectly capable of running his own fork of steem. So why does he drag us through this? The Chinese do Value Steem as a coin, but they don't value free speech. He wants control over that which he has no right to control, so he is trying to take over. He deserves the proverbial foot in the a__-but probably shouldn't for reasons stated later.
BTFS is not the same as a block chain from what I am reading. Just another system that allows Justin Tron and by extension the CPP to delete whatever content they don't like. The users of steem for the most part moved here because they hate censorship on twitter, reddit, facebook, and elsewhere. We know the Chinese have been financing and controlling a good portion of the American communications industries and shutting down our speech-Since bitcoin and other cryptos are basically banned in China yet they are the top miners, I think we can speculate where the crypto is going and why certain big tech CEOs and companies have so much of it.
Tell your communist party pussies that we aren't interested in the CCP depriving us of logos (speech and reason; personhood) or our other rights. Don't expect to win us over by offering us a centralized platform with less features and more censorship than the tech giants. We balk and will walk at such a prospect, just as we balked and walked from Big tech.
Nor do we want our dapps deleted because Sun thinks it competes with his ideas, nor for our ideas to be deleted at the whim of a court injunction from anywhere that has a mad dictator on the bench. It's bad enough trying to kick the family court judges off the bench, We also don't want the mad dictatorship of the Chinese communist party controlling STEEM. The moment that speech and reason (logos; personhood) has ended, it should be without question that a controversy is ripe to transmute into a state of war to regain our humanity. How many a__es do we have to kick to be able to speech freely these days.
Nor do we want a theft by dilution through the new steem tron coins, nor do we want a sell off because of the air drop to tron. If Tron users wanted to participate in steem they would buy their own damn coins and use it. If we wanted to use tron coins, we ah...they are just as advertized but useless in my garden. We don't want Tron. Sure if Sun gave us 100 million tron I am sure we'd dump that s___ for bitcoin or USDT. We don't want to sit in the shadows of an inferior chain that no one wants to use, that no sane person would want to use, and that Mr. Sun readily abuses. If trons "decentralized" solution to everything is a centralized database, even the poorest of developers are better off to buy a $35 raspberry pi. It seems prima facie to be a fraudulent act to call tron an enabler of decentralized platforms or that it is capable of running dapps. You admit it yourself, it runs BTFS. A database that Sun/Tron ultimately controls. Nothing decentralized about it and something Sun can alter on a whim-Even if steemit remains on a steem chain he could still do the same when he replaces the consensus witnesses.
If Ned Scott promised Justin Sun something that he had no ability to offer, we'd support Justin Sun Suing/pressing criminal charges against Lame Duck/sell out Ned Scott to reclaim his property. If that wasn't the case, Tell Justin Sun to take his worthless steemit dapp and leave the steem chain for good. We'll use palnet or many other interfaces. It's not like it is complex writing a social network; especially one this small. The biggest obstacle is marketing and getting users. So far, all Justin Sun has offered us is a message to stay the h__ away. Why the hell should any of us invest in Steem at the point with Sun trying to take over. The Sooner Sun leaves the chain, the more stable the future is for the chain, and the better it is for everyone. So get Lost Justin. Target Ned if you don't get what Ned might have promised you, not us. If you want to be made whole for Ned's dealings, don't leave us on empty.
The private users of Steem developed the interface far better than all the millions of dollars and Steem you[steemit] pissed away over the years and obtained through fraudulent means (ninja mining). All those millions, and even your web APIs are broken for the basic necessities where developers have to find 3rd party work arounds. We don't need you and we don't want you. Be Gone, get lost, get the hell out of here. Stop wasting our time. You are a bunch of irresponsible sellouts and we are better off without you. I'd tell justice sun to go Fornicate himself with an iron stick, but since he lives in San Franscisco he'd probably enjoy it and he'd probably invite his daddy and big brother and call upon his ancestors to watch all kissy kissy.
So on that note, tell him to return to his childhood home and stay there a couple months. I think it would cure all of our problems, Have a 电晕啤酒病毒 on us.
The future is in DAPPS, that means things besides tokens and blogs. Things that independent developers of steem have already done on a voluntary basis. You and Justin Sun have been made obsolete by technologies showing the steemit team hasn't evolved in 4 years, and you are pissing away what Steem is capable of. Please, Go Away! Are there html files, images, pdf files on the steem chain? Absolutely. Just one change in a line of code, any anyone technically could store videos in a steem dapp. But do go on, please tell us how the future is tokens and CCP centralization. Just let me eat more [vegetarian] beans first.Eli Powell, feel free to get a new Job. You are clearly not a developer. Tokenizing the web is crap. Even Justin Sun proved that point when he suggested a warrenbuffet coin. There are tens of thousands of erc-20 tokens, many more wave tokens, also have tron tokens, even SMT and steem-engine tokens and many more. Digital tokens existed decades before then. I would dare say that warcraft and runescape gold have more value than most crypto tokens-and they are database driven. So I fart in your general direction if you think the Steem Chain should join Tron's campaign of copy and paste what has been tested and failed tends of thousands of times. Its the classic definition of Insanity-as old as if not predating Sisyphus. @Aggroed already did that for the steem chain anyways on a side chain. So really you are moving the chain backwards if your goal is to play catch up to what independent developers have already done on steem.
I see developers aren't allowed-unless they are a top 50 witness. It is not about what can be done with steem, but purely about control of the chain. Something you should never be allowed to have. You are owned by tron and the CCP now, please go bye bye. You are a pawn of the enemy of the free people across the Globe. Don't let the door hit you in the butt of your way out; s___ splatters and we don't need the mess you guys leave behind.
it is a trick. after swapping ,Justin Sun will have the full control of those steemit accounts
ahh, you downvoted me. I hope that didn't hide my post. Other than posts by justinsunsteemit, I don't think I downvote anyone.
yeah, I know I was trying to strike a few nerves by invoking chinese culture/taboos into the post. Squeaky wheel gets [heard], assuming they even care to read. Kissing in chinese culture is a taboo, apparently linked to cannibalism. No shortage of cannibalism in recent (last 100 years) of chinese history, but still it is taboo enough that Disney can't leave a kissing scene in a live action version of Mulan. https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/films/1248190/Mulan-movie-kiss-Disney-China-censorship-coronavirus-Chinese-box-office
Just gives you some idea what is in store in our near future.
Continue competing for the most salty. We need more of it in today's society.
It just came off as racist and as if you know nothing about Justin. He is far from perfect, but his ideas on free markets, competition and freedom are all over the internet. :)
No, your post isn't hidden.
China isn't a race, and I considered moving there some 10 years ago to Escape the domestic feminazi terrorists. I also know the Chinese are good people in general; its the communist that can't be trusted. But Either China has gotten worse on human rights in the last 10 years, or more of it is being made public. Their social controls have also infiltrated the states in numerous ways to discourage or bankrupt speakers.
They are conquering us because overall we are lazy and dumb. We allowed it to happen.
All done by design.
When/if the truth becomes known, the people are likely to be mad.
But, too few of them pull their heads out of their flashylight box's cat videos and latte art long enough to care.
I know that China is a place, being from there does not mean one is a commie.
Anyway, not my fight... you can own your own words
This ignorant user is spreading dangerous lies in order to attempt to gain popularity and attention from the new commie overlord. Ignore the ignorant twat bag, you'll immediately feel better about your life.
This ignorant user is spreading dangerous lies in order to attempt to gain popularity and attention from the new commie overlord. Ignore the ignorant twat bag, you'll immediately feel better about your life.
We got no need of bosses here, tyvm.
Witness System:
Dear First Amendment @firstamendment, Is a witness server owned by a particular witness?
Centralization vs Decentralization
If Tron were to create Steem accounts and get many Steem accounts to vote the Justin Sun accounts to be witnesses, then centralization would increase, assuming that is how Steem works.
How Steem Works
Last time I checked, I'm pretty sure that is how Steem works. So, it is a question of who the witnesses are. It is a question of the hardware, equipment, servers, computers, nodes, devices, etc, that witnesses own or use. Yes, remote access can be a problem.
Apple Backdoor
So, we can talk all day about backdoors. I should probably write about that more. But I really thought that Tron control over Steem would be limited to how many witnesses they had control over and things relating to that.
Democracy Republic
If Steem is mostly controlled by a consensus, by the majority, of the witnesses, and if witnesses are voted on by Steem accounts, then the vulnerability would be if Tron created too many bot accounts that would then vote for Tron controlled witnesses.
Bot Lives Matter
Just kidding about the bot lives matter. So, in conclusion, if it were to be possible, I would not allow bot accounts the ability to vote for witnesses. And I don't want to ban bots but I also want to be careful how the voting system works on Steem.