Guys, it sounds nice and I have faith in the wales. I don't agree with them from time to time, maybe I would thought different but hey: this is their work. I just using their work.
It's interesting how everything evolved from one week to another. It's so quick.
I found something else to focus: commenting a lot, in detail. That's my way to help the platform. I'm posting something serious very rarely (one a week). It allows me to get detached from the money race.
And another thing (important for me): this personal shift brings me more happiness. It comforts me. Pleases me without adding more and more stress.
I just told you my personal perspective because I think relaxing (in any way you want) pays out more in the long term. Not with money.
You already know that. I didn't want to be arrogant or a pretentious prick. Sorry if I behaved like one.