
Good to see you here @fisteganos how is Steemit Africa going? I ahve seen MANy succesful african steemit users who are using Africa as their niche! it is very heart warming for us western users to see Africans getting on steemit and using steem to improve their ioves, it is the main gioal of steemit! so we wanna see big steemit billbaords all over Africa one day very soon! we should start making posts to raise money for small open air advertising, big steemit signs maybe even hand painted! but we should start puttingf themup all over big african citiues and even small villages just hand made hand painted steemit logos with words "Make money blogging, " or something we will work on the slogan something simple that will allow Africans to immediatly understand that Steemit lets you make money by posting stuff online, we will make it clear somehow, and we can even just have it say "Make Money online Earn Bitcoins using Social Media" or something like that

ahyway good to see yopu here in teh commenst! steemit App wiull be INCREDIBLE! I think fireBox will be a god name but i already told you that! XD Im getting these comments mixed up!