
Hey @fisteganos hey u should talk to @tj4real and @richforever about Steemit Africa and steemit Ghana and Nigeria team west africa, and check out my idea, u are close with boiler,

i looked up the parts of an old steam engine, and the FIREBOX is where they keep the fire going,

we should name the app FIREBOX and use an image of the firebox of a steem engine with the steemit logo with FIRE underneath maybe even soime sort of simple steem boiler and turbine or piston or just a boiler creating steem maybe a piston mechanical arm reaching into the screen icon image, but yeahjust i think FIREBOX would be SO cool, i hope fiorebox is not already taken

wow i just think FIREBOX sounds the BEST i hope @sneak sees this and knows about the name firebox i just feel so passionately about this name and if they dont use it here i will be sure to find a good application for this name Firebox to be used on Steemit!!!! Il find a home for the name Firebox on Steemit somewhere!!!!

The app will be called Steemit; this is just the codename for the app so that when we discuss the software comprising the app then people know what we are talking about.

Thanks for the info, any sneak peak into this inner world of steemit is appreciated, the smart token announcement seems to have pushed price of steem up to $1.50 from around $1 just a few days ago and i have been telling people that the new updates to steemit will make steem price go up! SMT smart media tokens are the community issued assets you were talking about right? And the steemit app and community issued assets AND the subreddit style communities will all finally come out and become the upgrades people have been asking for.....

.....most cryptocurrencies dont have the type of website and community Steemit has!

Pretty much NO other coin connects its users like the way steemit connects all of the steem users together! Bitcoin doesnt have any system like steemit neither does ethereum none of them do, im sure a few small systems exist like Ark or Augur that have a type of social network that links users of the coin together with messages and posts and social network infrastructure but Steemit actually does what it promises, the whole social media coin idea seems like one of those cool ideas that can never really be done in practice but the fact that they DID create steemit and the fact that it is running and growing should mean a LOT to anyone who studies new technologies ...... steemit is something that you cannot compare to anything else! you cannot just compare it to Facebook or reddit or bitcoin, it's a brand new type of website and blockchain its just a brand new type of decentralized community and even without the money aspect, if steem tokens were designed to NOT be exchanged for dollars, if steem was just like karma but transferable and we just setup steemit as a way to get around censorship, then steemit would STILL be impressive!

Wow we are so lucky to get to be a part of steemit while steem is only around $1 , because just the financial windfall will be enough to change many lives, but those who hang on to their steem will only benefit more and more as time goes ion....steem is a world changing Website/App/Blockchain whatever you want to classify it will change the] world like facebook or Bitcoin did but even faster just like how China or Africa or India developed much faster because the newer technology like smartphones is already available for them, well with steemit because social media is already popular and because bitcoin is also already popular we will start to see steemit become popular at an accelerated rate, as if Facebook and bitcoin did a lot of the hard work, metaphorically loosening the ketchup bottle, but Steemit will pop it right off!!!!! XD XD

Steemit has a very excited dedicated user base that only grows and grows and grows! And as more people save steempower and just refuse to powerdown and sell steem, the price of steem just starts to steadily go up and up and up!