hey , im gonna help you out here
- Ultimately for steemit to succeed, power must be granted to the crowd. Ideally, Steemit does not want power to locate to a just few privilege people aka whales . Just because of how to the steemit works in early stage of development, there are whales created and thus creating problems that what whales like and “judge” as important shapes what Steemit decides to be important. And that’s is bullshit !!! however Steemit is well aware of that, accept that problem for now and will solve it . If you have not read the white paper, then this is my summary.
- So now that’s you want to sub Steemit, that’s not a problem. But if you are thinking that there are layer of powers here, there are a group people to decide what is good what is not, then it’s just WRONG.
- I actually was admin of a web page for about a year. And what I think, what I do, shapes my page. Basically, the page represents myself. Nothing wrong about that because I own my company, I own the page, I can do whatever I want with the page. However, no single group of interest owns steemit but actually everyone.
- Therefore a proposal to let’s whales or big dolphins to dictate Steemit is just WRONG. Whales/Dolphins are created during your process of commitment, it’s a means of your reward, it means you have louder voice but it does not mean whatever you say is GOLD.
- Anyway the solution is simple: create sub, but nevermind about whales/dolphins, instead focus on power for fishes. it is too easy to create a sub-catergory. But there is no need for dolphins/whales to supervise, the CROWD will do it
- And it’s not happening right now but the opposite. However , I also have a solution for that which I will write an article about
open process for the specialist curators to be elected, using method similar for witnesses. this allows anybody who can convince the community they are competent in the speciality to be a curator. So this is a representative system and it separates upvoting decision from the value of accounts. Assuming we can get X amount of voting power allocated for a category, then which posts gets the share of that is up to the elected curators. There is no dictating that I am proposing, rather the opposite.
Now maybe when there are millions of steemit users, things can be totally freeform, but for now I want to be able to target a specific high value category and then have a proven process that jump starts it. If a category doesnt have whale support, it wont have the big attraction behind it, so the categories that are selected will also need to go through a vetting process. But that I will be able to use the existing methods.
So, the selection of categories: by the community
selection of specialist curators: by the community
selection of posts within a specialist category: by the specialist curators
upvoting: based on MofN approval by the specialist curators
It isnt perfect, but my method is not a bad start. feel free to make improvements