If this post makes the trending page I'll get the world's first Steemit tattoo!

in #steemit9 years ago

...What better way to illustrate my support for Steemit than recklessly and irresponsibly entertaining you all by getting the logo permanently etched onto my skin. Sounds like a good idea to me.

Make this post reach the trending page and I will honestly get the Steemit logo tattooed on me.

Of course, I will vlog the entire experience and post it here for your viewing pleasure - I might even open up a competition for the voters to decide where on my body it should go (within reason).

How do you know I will follow through? Well if this actually happened and I didn't follow through my reputation on this platform would forever be in tatters, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

If that's not enough, this is what happened the last time a friend dared me to get a stupid tattoo...

Yes, this will likely polarise opinion, but DAMN I'm excited to see if Steemit can actually make this happen!

#steemlife #worlds #first #steemit #tattoo #get #voting #if #you #dare


Sure? ;D

Hell yeah I'm sure! It would blow my mind if this started trending. I would be crazy not to.

How big will the Tattoo be?

Looks like it won't exist at all.