Would you like to be a full time steemian?

in #steemit7 years ago


This is a question I ask myself at the moment.

To be honest I can't answer this for myself at this moment.

Does it sound good to write or with D-Tube now speak about the things you are passionate about and make a living out of this?

Yep, sounds pretty great.

Do I trust my ability to come up with content good enough fellow steemians will upvote on a regular basis?

To be honest, sometimes I am surprised how well my posts are doing. While there is often artificial votes in it ( @boomerang , @minnowbooster fe) I get an overwhelming support for most of my posts and I am very happy and grateful for this.

My $ average is around 14$ I guess.

So the first layer of trust is already weak.

But there is a second one. Do I trust Steemit enough? Will this platform be around in a couple of years? If not I would proof an unbelievable amount of stupidity to try to make a living with it, right?


While I trust it enough to put a good amount of my money in here, I dont trust it a 100%, hell I dont even trust BTC a 100%.

Despite there are some awesome opportunities to invest your Steem or SBD it is stll in the Steem-ecosystem.

But I trust it enough that I just powered up 1000 steem and I am looking to add more in the future.

It would feel a little to all in for me.

But I am also tempted to try it. Maybe as an experiment for a month or so. I am still waiting for my TenX credit card but it will not work in Asia anyways so I need to find another one first.

I think I want to try this experiment at some point in the future.

But I am also too young here to start this. As I dont want to go into power down modus I could only count the SBD a post makes as income which would be around 7$ than. That is not so tempting....

So I would a) increase the number of my posts (I guess 3 posts a day are still fine more looks a bit spammy)
b) increase the quality of my posts (well....believe me I am trying. I am just not very smart )
c) increase the engagement with fellow steemians (already on it)
d) this post will also be an experiment. I will throw some of my earned SBD in this post and I want to see if success creates sucess or maybe more fitting "Fake it till you make it".)

Do I even want to be an author?

Or is it more one of those would be cool but I am not willing to put in the work kind of things?

I cant answer this with a 100% convinced yes but I enjoy it to express myself, to share ideas, my journey called life and sometimes even being lucky to inspire someone. As for now this is probably my best medium.

There is one thing which is not measurable with money


To be your own boss, work wherever you like is priceless and I am willing to earn less and take greater risks just to make sure I feel free.

All this things considerd I think I should not quite my day job....yet!

But maybe in a couple of months I will think about it again.

How about yourself? Are you thinking about being a full time steemian? Or are you already one?


There are 2 pages

wonderful post with some great points, I honestly love steemit and im hopeful with steem as a whole but for now i just love this platform as an outlet for me with great potential. But all eggs dont sit in this basket. Thank you for sharing, upvote, resteem, followed.

Thanks a lot :-)

I probably have too many eggs in that basket though :-)

Hello @flipstar!

I'm happy to choose this post for my "Care To Read "Crossword Puzzle Contest No.5. I'm posting a link to this post in all my posts related to this contest.

Thank you for writing awesome content!

(BTW, anyone who read this post have an edge in participating in this contest as they have already completed some required task by reading this post 😊)

Some of us are not yet working, so steemit is our full time job for now by default.

I have not considered that

that makes steemit pretty great actually

Well, it is still hard for some of us, because since we are not yet working, the funds to get data to browse steemit is quite difficult.

I haven't thought about that. I have struggled to find a job since 2015. And its even harder due to a disability.

Sorry about your disability. How are you coping with life?

Alright for the time being. I do wish I was normal sometimes

Peace be with you.

Hello @flipstar,
I am happy to see this interesting post. In my opinion, steem is just a social media network and we just enjoy it. It will be a very good thing If in the meanwhile we get money. But it also make us nervous if we are purposeful.
In my country , there is a proverb "just try your hard, the God will give you what you want".

Well...I would disagree there.

It is a social network for sure but some people also have a lot of money invested in it (well to be fair you can do this with facebook and stock of course also) and with that and the option to earn it becomes more as just a social network.

For most people it will and should be probably a place where you can express yourself and exchange ideas with others. But as soon as money gets involved people will do crazy shit to earn it also.

I like that proverb :-)

I would like to Steem full time. I had doubts about it as I only make pennies per post. But who knows, the price of steem can sky rocket. I have gotten lucky a few times and earned more than expected on my posts. Its a work in progress. I'll have to keep grinding if I want to Steem full time.

Steemit success comes barely overnight in my experience and as you said it is a grind.

You need to connect to others and provide good content.

As the steem prce hopefully will pick up pace in the future and more and more people come to use this site the ones who establish themselves now will have it easier though

This is very good content! I just started to follow you and i upvoted your post 100%.

thx a l ot :-)

It's good to have other revenues of income and I know there are websites that pay freelance writers. Steemit is just a good platform to blog and earn some cash and experience.

Yes, as for now it is more a side project

I'm actually a full-time blogger elsewhere that earns pennies and Steemit seems to pay the bills much better. So yeah, I'm spending more time here :)

Super Post mein lieber.
Einfach weiter 2-3 Post pro Tag posten, soviel wie möglich uppowern solange steem noch so günstig ist und den Rest wird die Zeit schon bringen :-) Wenn steem auf 2-3 Dollar ist dann machst du das locker :-)
Pin ich gleich zu mir :-)

Dank dir vielmals :-)

Ja, schauen wir mal :-)

Hab mich etwas verbrannt an Steem aber langfristig wird das schon :-)

ahhh this is a constant question I ask myself. I want the freedom and time to enjoy life while sharing my experience on Steemit. Right now I post anywhere from 1 to 3 posts a day, and I try my best to maintain quality and give content that is inspiring and uplifting. If my account takes off and is consistent, I might just one day just take a leap of faith... and FULL steem ahead! :) Thanks again for always being a supporter! Cheers!

It would be nice to have this option and this is one motivation for me posting here as regular as I can.

it does have potential i guess , its just that one has to put the effort and hardwork into it, and increase or rather create enough value so that posts can recieve more upvotes then one can take steemit as their full time jobs, for me im not that often working on this site, but i kind of look at it as my job. part time.

Lets see how things develop. I will keep it as a project or part time job also

Sobald ich die 70 erreiche, folge ich dir ;)

das dauert beides bei mir auch noch :-)

i think steemit have a great future, keep up the good work!

We all hope so :-)

hey there man! yeah i agree being your own boss and having the freedom to do what you want to do is the best feeling in the world. blogging is actually a new-found passion for me. i never thought i would get so much fun at blogging. hopefully in the future IF i can make it big here , then maybe i can start blogging for a living here. but thats a pretty big IF hehe

I enjoy the blogging a lot also bt tbh I probably would not enjoy it or at least this much without the finical rewards.

When Steem rises in value it might be easier to make a living here but I am still not sure if this is for me :-)

yeah totally agree bro! its okay to dabble a bit. who knows? maybe this is the career you want all along. i myself am also a dabbler by the way. hehe i like to test the waters out.

It is pretty good also working with steemit at parttime , as time pastby it will increase a lot of improvement and achievements :)

Lets hope so :-)

Hey there @flipstar first off i want to say thanks for your upvote on my last post.
as to your post....a great read...informative...and that nice smack of sarcasm based on pragmatism. I am my own boss currently... so honestly am joining steemit not thinking in money but for a mix of the spirit of the concept... that we the consumers and creators should not be the product..... and now with steemit, we do not need to be the product of our own social media. but all these bots and scammers are pushing in hard and i hope the devs and witnesses keep it in check.

I hope so, too. Would be a shame if it would go down like this but I see a good future for steem actually. A lot of bright minds are working on it or producing good content or brining in new ideas.

I would love to be on steemit full time! In fact, my goal is just to make a living sharing my message with the world. It doesn't all have to come from steemit. But if I can have a nice income from it, that gets me closer to my goal. I'm producing posts for my website anyway, so posting on here is a no brainer.

So far I'm making more on here (in steem) than I am on my blog. Plus it's giving me exposure to people I may not have met otherwise. Steemit is great!

I'm still a little reluctant to go all in. I've been thinking about buying steem to power up, but I like knowing that all my steem is earned and none of it is bought, so it's easy to keep up with my profits that way.

I guess steemit is dependent up people buying steem in the future? But if no one wants to buy it then it has no value?

Yes I undertand that. I wont go all in either. But as a side income it is nice.

You need people who are willing to pay for Steem otherwise it would be worthless imo.

Most of my Steem I am holding is paid for. Earned only a fraction of it.

Good luck with your endeavors here if you do chose to be a full time author. All the best. 🐓🐓

I dont think I will be going for it in the near future :-)

Thanks anyways :-)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It would be great to make a living on steemit but I'm still further away from that than you are. I'm still finding my place here: what I'm able to give that the community will appreciate...
In the moment it's only an investment of Time (and some money) in I don't know what... But as you write... time will show. I'm not willing to give up so quickly this time...

I am pretty sure it is doable if you really set your mind to it and are sure you want it.

For me...I am to uncertain atm but yes, time will tell :-)

If you really sure you want it go for it with a calculated risk I would say. Doesnt have to be all in at once can be also a slow transition

Great post! It's actually a great idea, but as you mentioned: there are a lot of risks you take when you start being a full time steemian! :) I love the idea though!

The idea is very appealing indeed. But the risk is there for sure :-)

Atm it is not a real option for me but let us see in a year

I've thought about it sure. But being a full time steemian seems like it would be hard, and there's only a rare few people here who can do that. I think you could though yo! Im a long ways away from that opportunity

Nah I dont think this would be very smart at least at this point.

As stated I might do it for a month but more as an experiment.

But lets see how things look in a year for both of us :-)

At a Point I thought about it too, I think, the stability of the system would end up giving people of similar thoughts also the confidence. Mean while, people with serious need for money to cater for responsibilities won't be able to.

It is certainly nice to be a full-time Steemian, actually, I am already just because you know I have other things to do and I can't have a full-time job. I might if I don't have a choice anymore, atm I am still good.

We can't trust anything in life 100% anyway, so I will still look for other options, like my project.

I think this is the best approach you have.

Earning here for a bigger goal and just having fun with the writing.

You have some pressure but you are not all in on it.

Tbqh, I am quite overwhelmed with all the things that I have to do, but I won't give up.

I am sure everything works out. Let me know if I can be of any assistance

Thanks, I will! 😊

Let's do it :) This is only the beginning!

Upvoted and Resteemed!

@photobomb can you reply me on Discord.

sorry for bothering you but i sent 5 SBD yesterday please take a look in your wallet

@photobomb: I was transferred 1SBD for upvoting but I have not yet get the upvote of my post, please upvote my post or refund my 1SBD, I will be very thankful to you, my post link is as under:

I'm not a full time steemian because I have a job. On my way to work I comment on the posts I like and after I finish my work I post when I have time

with my detective skills I can say :

You come from work or you go to work and you like this post.

Would you quite your job if you would make enough money on steemit?

You're a very good detective, your skills are excellent :)

I wrote you on my way home, when I was at the subway. I do not think I'm going to quite my job if I would make enough money on Steemit because I'm an active person, I like to interact with people (face to face) and I like to work in team.

You're a detective, you should know what I'm gonna do :D

It definitely is a good direction, I have given this a thought as well but it just is not too feasible considering how hard it is for a young minnow to make its way up to the spot light.

But never stop trying, let's do it together !

Nothing good comes for free right?

The start can be a bit frustrating but as you develop some friendships here it is getting better and better

Just be genuine and honest and don't stop! Apparently, with enough content, every day on Steemit brings some reward, in a way or another.

Be careful about high stakes, though; I don't think it's worthy to make a living out of it alone.

With Patreon, however? Maybe.

Hmm I know a lot of youtube content creators are working with Patreon.

not sure if it could work on steemit as it would kind of undermine steemit I think.

As long as we are concistent and enjoy us here we come out ahead anyways

Well, yes, to an extent it does, but if you want enough money to make a living, then I think you shouldn't put all your eggs into one basket, you know what I'm saying?

That is a serious topic that must be taken seriously.

I totally agree.

Even Patreon would feel a bit weired for me I guess as you are still at the "mercy" of other people.

But I dont know how much people are earning with this. You would defenitly need to make a lot to be able to save up for bad times or you fall of grace of the fans, site goes down etc

I think going all in and trying to make a living of Steemit might change the whole feel of using Steemit. Even if you are super passionate about something if you turn it into a job it might change that a bit and squeeze the fun part out of it.

As for the financial part of it I think one has to think long term. I saw an article that I liked a lot about this guy who used to mine bitcoin back in the days. This was when bitcoin was worth very little. So at the time he thought it wasn't really worth mining it because of the value. Today of course if he had gone hard core mining he would be a rich rich man.

In the same way we can look at steem. We earned 14 dollars today. It's enough to support good for a day perhaps but it's not going to cover much more.

However leave it in SP and maybe what we made in one day on steemit today can be worth more than one month of salary a few

My SP will not go anywhere. My, SBD on the other hand, leave the system quite regulary.

Yes, you are right about if you turn pro it changes a lot. As you get a lot of pressure.

As for now, I am deep in the red with steemit i (BTC wise) but I also see it as a longterm investment.

We will see what the future holds :-)

I definitely think Steemit has to be seen as a long term investment, but I find more stability in it then many other alt coins because with each new member on steemit and each new user case for SMT it will get stronger. While a lot of other coins is more speculative . Steem is already here and happening :)

this is true.

While I see the value of it longterm the short term is still fucking with me. Down around 8 BTC which sucks but still enjoying my stay :-)

I am certain the future will look diffrent though

Damn, yea that definitely stings ! I have a gut feeling that long term this will be a good investment though !

Living off Steem and in Thailand sounds like a pretty nice future picture don't you think ? Could you imagine living in Thailand and settling down there long term, or is that actually your current plan ?

Tbh I am not sure yet. I will come back here probably all my life and at this point I dont want to leave but being here without breaks....dunno

It's quite different to visit a place and knowing that you are going to settle down there. Once you decide that you wants to settle down many things change. But of course those changes can be both good and bad.

When I decided to stay in China after high school it was really tough to actually start to try to adopt the culture so that I could integrate into society.

It was extremely hard and I felt completely lost many times. But today I wouldn't change this experience for anything, I have learned a lot by making it on my own in China. It has definitely pushed me to grow a lot more than I would have done if I stayed my whole life in Sweden.

But I'm going back to Sweden next year. I have already spent half my life in China so it's about time hehe

If I can earn 800 SBD monthly I would love to be a full time Steemian :D

You arent this far away from this or?


very good post my friend..

There is quite a good number. Take everyone with you. You will earn very soon. Honest people rarely meet.

This post has received a 16.3 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @flipstar

@boomerang distributes 100% of the SBD and up to 80% of the Curation Rewards to STEEM POWER Delegators. If you want to bid for votes or want to delegate SP please read the @boomerang whitepaper.

This post has received a 16.30 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @flipstar. They love you, so does Aggroed. Please be sure to vote for Witnesses at https://steemit.com/~witnesses.

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Sneaky Ninja Attack!!
You have been defended with a 69.44 % upvote!
To help keep my Jōki (蒸気) power strong I rely on the townspeople of Sōsharumedia (ソーシャルメディア).
I was summoned by: @flipstar.
I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...


This is so funny, it has been a while. I didn't know there's sneaky-ninja now. I haven't used bots for a long time, I remember one time I gave 40 sbd to booster hahaha, and I lost it one time. I guess I am not good at risk.

Oh my :D I am curious as to what exactly you were thinking at the time hahaha :D

I'm sure they returned the SBD to you?

No lol, so I just stopped completely.

did you write to them?

Yeah and I've never heard back. That time I was thinking at 40 it will put my post up a little bit at the hot tab and it did.

I also used bellyrub to upvote a follower's post and it didn't arrive. I wrote and never heard anything back.

Maybe they hate me lol.

There are so many now....

I am starting to dislike that a bit as it locks away so much SP for hire only. I will write my thought about this the coming days as I am curious to see if this post goes any better as others.

I have lost 25 SBD once because I send them to the wrong account -.- felt pretty stupid afterwards :-)

Awwww, it happens. Booster, I think is about the timing.

This post has received a 14.71 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @flipstar.

Post of the day.i love you blog.
Great topic for a new competition, I really like it.
Upvote and followed..

This post has received a 27.47 % upvote from thanks to: @flipstar.
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This wonderful post has received a bellyrub 39.47 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to this cool cat: @flipstar. My pops @zeartul is one of your top steemit witness, if you like my bellyrubs please go vote for him, if you love what he is doing vote for this comment as well.

This post has received a 33.10 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @flipstar. Send at least 0.50 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.

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Good posting

Very interesting, good post and I like, hopefully the next post better with a more perfect idea. follow me @pn09s, Upvote and give a positive comment for me.


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Epic story - thanks for being honest with your journey it's inspiring to the rest of us starting out.

Nice topic
Thanks for share

Let this be your stepping stone to success. Set small goals that are achievable. Be passionate and committed to whatever you are doing. Do not procrastinate. Success is within your reach if you take action :)

I think this can be a way that with nice content you can earn side money for investments.

I could well imagine making contributions, voting and writing comments all day long. but it won't happen to me soon, because I have a long and hard time ahead of me.

Eileen Sue - Story of my Life

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