America is at a CrossRoads -- "tales they win --- heads we lose" --- that is the way it seems

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


The US is at a crossroads and it sure seems like there is a lot of created chaos to keep our media and airwaves jammed with "nothing - burgers"

  • Democratic efforts to impeach Trump for having "Russian salad dressing on his salad" during the campaign is getting old and there is nothing there -- and they admit it. Yet ---we have to hear it non-stop
  • Democrats want "anti-trump" rhetoric for the next 12 months at least as they plan to take the House back -- this is what this all about.
  • If Dems get the house --- they can start the impeachment process
  • Don't look for the Republicans to do anything --- their leadership sold out a long time ago. Who know's how many photo's they have of house/senate leaders doing something "inappropriate" --- but that is how it is played. And of course, money always speaks to them.

Reality says:

  • The house rep shot last week was leading "human trafficking" investigation --- that is way to close to home for "some" --- see what happened?
  • the health care bill, tax changes etc....are all talk until the budget get's resolved or not
  • Tump against the : media , senate, congress, and the judicial system is getting old --- the justice system ignores the constitution and the media gives them accolades -- we are in bizarro world.


The elephant in the room --- while all the above takes place -- is the US Dollar and all the currencies playing for "who is the queen of the pigs".

  • The US dollar change has probably been planned out --- but anything can disrupt the best of plans
  • who knows if derivative time bombs in the banks change it all --- or THAT is the plan
  • who knows if ALL has been decided with the IMF on how a Global SDR will be used for trade settlements
  • who knows if the drip drip drip of Saudi selling oil to China (not in dollars ) leads to more and more countries doing the same.

Constant misdirection we get for the US Dollar problem -- which is the world's problem as well since much is pegged to the dollar. The people in the US are forced to watch re-runs of the Lucy show as the "hidden hand" tries it moves.

The GOOD news is there is Steemit and truth channels watching these guys like a hawk. We see weekly efforts to close off these channels. YouTube/ Google has come out of the closet. The socialist left is trying to take down an conservative media personality. But the spotlight is shining very nicely on all of it for those with eyes to see.

We have front row seats -- cryptos are rising with all of the above going on -- that is not a co-inkydink.

It's like a jigsaw puzzle ....but the stakes are high and it feels like we are "at a crossroads" for how things have ever been.


Diversify out of the dollar and stocks, so we win tails or heads

true....but I am more talking about the country as opposed to individuals :-)

Cryptos are the loss of confidence in the dollar. Loss of confidence in the US government and people are also tiered of being taxed because government can't controll there spending causing devaluation of the peoples money.

Very true Queenpine.... all roads lead to higher taxation any which way you look. Very well said :-). Thank you.

Too many people won't realize the country is turning into the Soviet Union until they're lives become uncomfortable and then they discover they have no rights left.

I hope not to see this day

Well said and laid out.

they you....I appreciate your comments

It's the way it's always been my friend, and sadly It will probably stay that way too. Cheers

we have a window....let's see what we can do