Why you are burning money if you use whale voting bots (incorrectly)!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


OK, most of you guys may have noticed that the "potential payout" keeps dropping and dropping over the period of time between post creation and reward payout. That is mainly because of the rapidly decreasing STEEM reward pool.
@aggroed did a good post about that

I have seen rewards dropping as much as 30% within the 7 days time frame. First I thought it´s because of the STEEM price dropping, but now as STEEM is stable and the rewards still keep dropping I searched for the real answer. And the answer is the decreasing reward pool.

So I started monitoring some of my posts. This one started off with 75$ and is now below 60$ with 2 more days to go until payout.
Within the last 14 hours there was a plus of 1 Vote and a minus of 1.07$
You may want to do the calculations for yourself...

Now let´s start using our brain for a second.


If you can not help yourself but using one of the whale voting bots e.g. @randowhale or @booster for increasing your post payout - please do yourself a favor and use them within the last hours before voting closes.
Do not use them shortly after the post was created. Time will eat your profits, if you are able to even get some with a low percantage vote.
Some people use randowhale to get into trending section, but i fairly doubt that rando is able to boost you into that category with a 1.9% rando vote ...
Furthermore I doubt that someone is reading the trending section.

Attention: Do not use whale voting bots within the last 12 hours before payout - voting is not possible within that timeframe


As you can see I got a plus of 2.39$ potential payout for a 1.6% vote from @randowhale
we have to subtract the curator rewards and the payout decrease for the last 24hours ... so randowhale is actually not giving profit if you get a vote below 3%

So be smart and don´t burn your money

comments and discussion appreciated


Thank you. My friends don't believe me. Now I can show them this post.

:-D you're welcome! Actually there came up many post like that recently.. Because it's so obvious that something is draining our rewards :-) hope that devs will fix it before the pool is empty (again)

You are correct in that you lose money over time. But, one big issue with what you say. The author makes no money from upvotes after the first 30 minutes. So, paying for randowhale or booster after the first 30 minutes doesn't get author rewards. After 30 minutes, it's a curation reward split up between the people that upvoted. Those bots are a lose lose when it comes to direct monetary compensation.

The 1 benefit I see is that you start your post out with an unvote and some dollars so maybe it'll attract people. It's the tip jar effect. If you have ever worked for tips, rule number 1 is that you put something in the jar to start the day, never have it sit there empty.

@financialcritic nice upvote power you got my friend! Thanks for the support! So just for the records, the screenshot below is from the same post as mentioned in the post above.. I lost 5 cent on the last day for the drain (and steem price rose) - and curators got an overall of 60cents..

Thank you for your input you made a good point that needs to be considered. The tipjar effect 😁
The topic seems more complicated than it looks at the first glance.
Anyways curation rewards for curators are max 25% of the upvote volume, so in the worst case the author gets "only" 75% of the vote volume..
Guess that makes it even with the 25-30% reward drain that occurs over time.
I'll mention this definitely in the post above, will edit tomorrow, just for the records 😁
Steemit is a science for itself

Good point...25% loss vs 30%+ for the drain. I'm going to try this out...going to try randowhale on posts that are 6 days old and see what I get as the author.

I agree with your point in principal, it's what I've been doing for the last week and can say that I'm pleased with the more reliable indication of the potential reward.

However, there is another angle to this in that there is the potential to be shown in the 'hot' feed for your tags as well as the 'new' feed.

The difference could be accounted for in upvotes that you wouldn't have gained if it weren't for the additional exposure - you also stand to make more in future if you gain new followers.

It's not guaranteed to work but it is an additional perspective!

so what you mean is once you publish a post, under 5 minutes, try and work out paying randwhale for upvote...can randowhale act that fast to get upvote that will nre you post comes up on hot?
what is even the best amount your 2sbd can get one...?
any experience on that

That's certainly what I'm suggesting. In the first 30 mins you receive the greatest share of the reward split between author & curator.

Randowhale is pretty quick so long as he's up & running - within 2 mins to transfer and receive the upvote. Keep an eye out on his blog to check for service outages.

The most? Well I suppose it depends on a couple of things:

  1. Vote power
  2. Value of Steem
  3. What percentage you receive.

I got $7 out of 2sbd pence but usually in the $4-5 region. It's rare that you get much under that.

thanks... you have been quite helpful...a look at your profile seems you a dad that prepares good pancakes garnished with egg and also knows much about protein recipe...as such, my post on family versus office should tickl your fancy...
more so, check my latest post on male and female brains...i publish less because of undervalue i get on hard work...writing a post is no easy...and i can see we are both in the same boat for now working our way up...keep steeming...yoa nice guy

Exactly...the tip jar effect. Having your post show up on the "hot" or "trending" section will get you some additional views.

does randowhale even give you profit ? it does cost 2Steem , how much is a upvote worth ?

have you tried randowhale and whats the marging based on your investment on randowhale...

that´s a good point ..
i posted a screenshot in the section above ..
i got 2.39$ potential payout for a 1.6% vote from @randowhale
we have to subtract the curator rewards and the payout decrease for the last 24hours ... so no .. randowhale did not give me profit :) I´m not a fan of it either ...

Thank you for useful info.

You're welcome

vielen dank für deine recherche, flurgx. wir beobachten wohl alle dasselbe und haben uns gefragt, was da los ist. schon mehrere threads haben sich damit befasst und alle zusammen erklären sie das phänomen umfassend. dein beitrag füllt meine letzte wissenslücke.
noch kurz zu den auftragsvotern randowhale und booster... umso später man sie ansetzt, umso besser, da bin ich ganz deiner meinung. ich persönlich preferiere booster, denn die höhe an zahlung schlägt sich unmittelbar in der intensität seines votes nieder. lege ich 2 sbd hin, sind so etwa 3-4% power drin. da es aber kein limit gibt, hat man es mehr selber in der hand. ich habe beobachtet, das manche sogar 25sbd bezahlt haben und dafür einen booster-vote im wert von 35 und mehr steem erhalten haben. in den meisten fällen zahlt es sich also aus. randowhale hingegen ist vielmehr ein glücksspiel. man kann seinen einsatz auch versenken und minus machen. die chancen lassen sich nicht erhöhen, da der preis für sein vote auf entweder 2 steem oder 2 sbd festgelegt ist. wenn man es sich leisten kann, engagiert man natürlich beide. grundsätzlich bin ich recht erfreut darüber. immerhin kann man sich so ein wenig selber helfen und ist nicht gänzlich dem ungewissen feedback seiner leser ausgeliefert. zudem auch manchmal einfach nur der zeitpunkt der eigenen veröffentlichung unglücklich liegen kann und es deshalb nicht sehr viele lesen. hat man viele follower, wird es eh immer schwieriger den überblick zu behalten und manche posts rutschen einem leider durch. lg.

hm also das hab ich mich noch nie getraut dem booster so viel geld zu schicken .. du bist ja nicht der einzige im slot ... und ein slot ist nicht mehr als eine 100% vote, aufgeteilt ...
aber du hast schon recht, wennste beide angagierst, kurz vor auszahlung, machst wahrscheinlich noch nen netten bonus ... ist mir aber irgendwie zu aufwendig, mir da den wecker zu stellen :D
ich war glaub einer der ersten 10 die sich ne rando whale stimme gekauft haben, damals hats noch 1SBD gekostet, und ich hab 10$ rausbekommen, seit dem ist alles andere eine enttäuschung :D
stimmt schon, dass mit den followern. manche posts rutschen einfach durch. für mich ist es auch total schwer den überblick zu behalten, deswegen konzentriere ich mich jetzt hauptsächlich auf #deutsch

konzentriere ich mich jetzt hauptsächlich auf #deutsch

werd ich wohl auch bald tun. mir geht der überblick flöten.

Amazing, nice post, do not forget view my post, now i upvote and follow you, follow me back, thanks you, may we be good friends, best regards

Ok I used the @randowhale yesterday for the first time at the beginning of my post and was kindy happy about the reward, but after reading this, I will rethink my method.

Really good information in this post, but I slightly disagree with this part:

Furthermore I doubt that someone is reading the trending section.

I would say, that most of the users are reading the trending section or what is your argument against it?

I got no argument against it... It was more of a joke :-D
Oh and I invite you to make your own observations regarding changes in payout over time.. Cheers

would this not also be true to not upvote your own post till the 12 hour mark?

yeah, should be true for your own upvote too ... but if it´s around 40cents, like mine ... i´m not loosing much :D

nice question @flipstar

@flurgx does it mean, because i do experience serious drop of my earnings up until the day of payouts...the 12 hr time frame before payout...monies are ot deducted...need further clarification on that...

what of minnows support program, does it help more than randowhale and also good for one to target it at 12hrs mark...

I do not completely understand your question...

The minnow support vote is good. You can use it every 12 hours.. But the payout is not that big, so you can use it anytime...

ok thanks...will study them more...

Danke für den Tipp :)
diesen randowhale hab ich erst einmal was gesendet.. wohl zu früh

2017-05-20 17.34.02.jpg

hihi ich habs auch lange zeit falsch gemacht ^^ nämlich gleich nach dem posten - steemit is so krass, da lernste nie aus ...

Ja das stimmt.. sehr komplex das ganze Steemiversum..
da braucht man schon ne zeit lang bis man es durchblickt.
Guats Nächtle :)

Den meinte ich! Danke für den schönen Beitrag :)

Ich benutze diese Whale-Bots zwar eh nicht, bedanke mich aber herzlichst für die Erklärung, auch...ja..warum meine Stimme derartig wertlos geworden ist in letzter Zeit und warum meine Beträge IMMENS an Wert verloren haben!


danke fürs vorbeischauen :D
ja das rätsel des payout schwundes ist fürs erste mal geklärt ...
letztes jahr gabs sogar eine zeit, in der der reward pool leer war .. ja LEER .. schätze fast, dass uns sowas wieder ereilen wird, wenn nicht rechtzeitig gegengesteuert wird ..

Ja, ich habe keine Ahnung wie..aber wenn du einen Plan hast...nur her damit! Ich mag zwar Geld, aber ich bin kein Gierlappen. Und diese Seite hier ist toll, man sollte definitiv versuchen sie lebendig zu halten...nur weiß ich leider nicht wie ich da meinen Teil zu beitragen kann!


Nice signature! Love back :-D

gut zu wissen @flurgx danke für die info!

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment