TOP FIVE slangs for user levels of recognition - steemit!

in #steemit9 years ago

These are the top five most used terms/slang used on steemit. the top fivc will also be sorted from 1 being low and 5 being the highest level. if your interested or not sure of the use for slang here's where you can find that Slang.  

1. Steemians = humans of steemit 

Steemians is a form of slang for us, as a comparison we are Humans but on this site we are Steemians.

2. Tadpole = low level!

tad pole is a term used to describe a very low steemit user like me, but dont worry people theres hope to become bigger. usually these people have put very little into steem power thus preventing there votes from meaning more and that means they recevie less there votes are worth maybe .001

3.  Minnows = low level!

Minnows is a much better known version for a lowly level user of steemit but as i said before there's still hope out there people.

4. Dolphins

Now Dolphins have usually put  a lot more into there Steem power more like 1000s of dollars into steem power, that being said there votes means more and so are there post values.


5. Whales 

The Whales are the bad boys or girls of Steemit and they are holding a lot of power they can literally pick and choose what happens it the steemitverse and we just sit back and enjoy the ride. They hold millions in steem power and can dramatically impact a vote, you'll know off the bat if a whale has voted up your post 


#whales #topfive #hot 


I am here on a journey of discovery, personally I am still learning the system.

But soon I will be trying to find my niche and seek quality authors who post stuff I enjoy.

I can learn on Wikipedia or surf Steemit and occasionally search and find useful stuff.

This is a trip to change a tiny corner of the internet for some impact on humans : )

/ hugz ; )

tadpole here, hoping to become whale :)