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RE: STEEMIT: Despite the depressed value of STEEM the Community continues to grow.

in #steemit8 years ago

Also please correct one of your earlier post on Vault7 or I will be forced to flag it as inaccurate or misleading. I've left a comment in the post outlining why.
Please don't feel I'm being rude obnoxious but I feel it is important to get things right.

Thank you.


I will not change anything and stand by EXACTLY what I say. I guess you have a lot to learn about what is about to come from Vault 7. Like I say I will NOT change anything and wish you luck. Stephen

But it is lies Steven. How can you justify that?

I know that wasn't the point of the post but people read it. A lot of people aren't as clued up on it than others and could read that comment as gospel. That's how rumors and disinfo starts.You seem like an intelligent reasonable guy. I urge you to please make the amends to the mistake you made in your #Vualt7 post.

If you don't remove or correct it I will have to assume you have a political agenda of some sort to sway public opinion on Wikileaks.

If you have a problem with Wikileaks that fine. Write about it and back it up with facts. If you don't have a problem with Wikileaks then you will have no problem with correcting it.

Thank you Stephen.

Like I say I stand by everything I have said and will not change anything I have said or posted. I have nothing but respect for WikiLeaks and respect the work they do and how they have handled the release of Vault 7. Like I said good luck. Stephen

Stephen. You are lying.

You contradict yourself. How can you respect Wikileaks yet let people believe they are hackers?
This does not compute.
I'd appreciate it if you didn't assume.
These are my posts over the last month. Including a fully sourced timeline of Assange leading up to Vault7.

VAULT 7 | Wikileaks releases part 1 - C.I.A. Espionage orders for the 2012 French elections

VAULT 7 | We take a look and it's scary as hell

VAULT 7 | The Mysterious Timeline of Wikileaks - FULLY SOURCED - NEW DISCOVERIES

VAULT 7 | C.I.A. Using 'Hacking Team' Tools and Emails

VAULT 7 | The C.I.A. Culture And The People That Make It Happen

I do know what I am talking about.

Your resistance to change it feels unnatural. I'm not trying to call you out and play games with you. Its common courtesy to make changes to mistakes that have serious consequences on peoples lives.