Muckraker - Conspiracy Analyst - Ghost Face Blogger - Seeker
One year ago to the day my good Steemit friend @v4vapid first clicked the signup button on the homepage of this very website. Little did he know that a few months later he would be gracing that same homepage with one of his very own meticulously crafted and well written posts.
Averaging at 1.4 posts a day V4Vapid has been consistent in maintaining a regular high standard of writing and topics. Since his first post, V4Vapid has rarely deviated from his mission of finding and sharing the truth. He's been all over the world in his posts with topics ranging from organ harvesting in Haiti to weapons smuggling in Bulgaria.

So, what was his first post? Everyone likes a statistic or 2 around so lets have a look at some of V4Vapids '1sts'. Exploring the Steemit blockchain shows us that V4Vapid created his account on Nov 26th 2016 at exactly 09:09:57 in the morning, and was the 113,415 person to do so.

His first actual post came a few days later on December 4th 2016. Titled 'America's Oligarchic Connection:', this post was strong, and with the first line of the post being 'Jeffrey Epstein is a CONVICTED child molester' you could tell he wasn't about to hold any punches and really came out swinging with this one. Although it only go 5 upvotes the post was a well thought out and as informative as any he puts out now.

Next, his first upvote was for a short post

V4Vapid On Steem Shelves
V4Vapid has been using, and has been actively involved in promoting, a Steemit service called Steem Shelves. www.steemshelves.com is a place where you can arrange and categorize your steemit posts in to series, groups, or themes. V4Vapid has a selection of collections. Feel free to browse and read some of his, and others, past posts on Steem Shelves. You can find V4Vapids, here.

V4Vapid Creative Writing Competitions
One of the few deviations he's made from his usual type of posts has been for a a very successful creative writing contest with some very healthy prizes. The first creative writing competition he held was on the Whereabouts of missing Flight MH370. With more than 20 entrants and well over a $100SBD given out in prizes, the competition was a complete success.
The second writing competition was an even greater success with more entries and bigger prizes it was one that really pulled the creative writing community together which was really nice to see. Check out some of the winners in the winners post below.
Welcome to Antarctica - Conspiracy Creative Writing Contest II - Winners Announced | steemit - 09/08/2017

In fact there hasn't been a contest for a couple of months now so keep an eye out for his next one as they're always fun, creative, and rewarding.

So here's to 1 whole year on the Steemit.com. It's been a pretty successful year for V4Vapid and one only a dedicated and trusted Steemian like V4Vapid could achieve. It's been great knowing you this far and I hope to know you for a long time after.

WHAAAA.... LOL, are you serious? You sly SOB, I'm sitting here composing a 1 year post... and you beat me to it!
Wow, thanks I WAS NOT expecting anyone else to notice but finding this post from someone I admire is a great feeling. Feels a bit like a surprise birthday party or something.
I had forgotten my first post was about Jefferey Epstein, how apropos on this very day @rebelskum released his Epstein documentary.
It makes sense that @titusfrost was the first person I followed as he was one of the very first people who I remember mentioned the Steemit blockchain.
Yes, there are several contests in the works as we speak and what better way to celebrate this auspicious occasion than to hold a contest and give back to this amazing community.
Thank you @fortified, this post was very touching but I could never have come this far without such an amazing community of like minded seekers trying to make sense of this crazy world. I'm very grateful to those who follow and support my work here.
much love to my tin foil hat wearing brethren
Highly rEsteemed! Love the new CV and you didn't even have to write it yourself ; )
Hey there. It was my pleasure creating this post to help you celebrate your 1 year on Steemit. You are an inspiration and example of how one can make a success of Steemit. I wouldn't be where I am now without your support and encouragement.
Holy cow, yes your Epstein post was exactly a year before the @rebelscum documentary. Creepy.
Thanks for everything. Lets see where the next 365 days takes you.
Congratulations @v4vapid, you have achieved a lot in just one year.
Happy Steemiversary! :D
Thank you, I don't comment much on your posts but I follow your work closely. I appreciate you taking the time, cheers :)
Hehe likewise! The platform is getting too big to be able to read and comment on most posts. :D
Love this word...
V has been an amazing supporter of my work for a long time and a great supporter of many of us trying to disseminate the truth here on Steemit. I will always be grateful for the support given but more importantly the work V produces is incredibly well researched. Posting about under reported political criminality and missing children is noble and worthy and I'm proud to call him a friend.
Nice one @fortified Happy Anniversary @v4vapid you truly are a Steemit star!
We're all here on a journey together, teaching and learning from one another.
I really appreciate your kind words TP and I look forward to the day you return to posting.
Don't make us wait too long now, ya hear ;)Always on point, leave it to @tremendospercy to make poignant comments every time ;) What can I say, your work speaks for itself and I seek out those who are unafraid to be open to infinite possibilities and who explore the mysteries of the universe.
Thanks mate. 😉
Excellent work @fortified I must say that @v4vapid is responsible for some of the most genuinely expertly researched posts I've read here or anywhere else for that matter! His dedication to the task at hand goes above and beyond the call and as with his recent missing children investigation he has no fear in shining a light where others refuse to look. I'll never forget the help and support he's given me in reaching a wider audience and I'm proud to call him a friend. Congratulations on your first year @v4vapid and thank you for all that you bring to the platform, as always I eagerly wait to see where your light shines next!
Thank you for this comment, I'm very humbled to read praise from you and others here. I hope that I can live up to the hype now ;)
I've been most fortunate here on Steemit and I'm looking forward to giving back to the community the best I can.
Happy one year buddy @v4vapid. I've only been on the platform for about 5 months thus far but I've really enjoyed reading your posts. Cheers to the next 365 days of truth seeking and sharing on the platform
Thank you, much appreciated!
Hey congratulation my friend you are just completed the 1 years and I can see that you're really doing a great growth on this platform so my dad is with you. May you will be the most important person of steemit.
This look back on @v4vapid for a year was very interesting. I want to check out the Steem Shelves. I find the article very encouraging, thank you for sharing.
Yes it is very encouraging to see. Steem Shelves is great. It helps you to keep track of all your posts.
Damn !! Happy 1 year Anniversary. I thought it is another conspiracy because it is tagged under conspiracy ;) Keep it up.
🎵 Woooot!!! 🎶
@globocop. This post has been manually curated by @msp-waves - the amazing radio station for Steemians, courtesy of
Listen to MSP-Waves Radio on MSPWaves.com
Nice. Thanks.
Informative post
Thank you for sharing
Damn !! Happy 1 year Anniversary. I thought it is another conspiracy because it is tagged under conspiracy ;) Keep it up.
Hi bro, congratulation, you are journey not end, still continue to the next phase.
Is STEEM Shelves open to anyone wishing to categorize their posts into collections or is it mainly for fiction/non-fiction story writers?
PS Happy Anniversary @v4vapid! Many awesome years to come!
Hi. It's for anyone for anything as far as I'm aware.
If and a big if. we are going to change anything, it relies on reality, and my word, on the street said, 2 years ago