One thing a lot of us forget is that Steemit is still brand-new and in Beta phase. I wanted to put together a collection of images of other social media sites during their Beta phase.
Thefacebook as it was originally called was originally designed for the students on Harvard campus.




reddit seems still in alpha, right?
hey guys... Remember Digg?
I upvoted You
Theres something to this -- design isnt everything. The core functionality is what is really being offered. Steemit offers something highly enticing and new. Much like Myspace, when bands could share music and book gigs easily online for the first time. Design came later.
Steemit will surely improve as time goes on. I have plenty of criticisms but many of them can easily be improved upon as dev continues & the community flourishes. The display and toolset will improve over time. Even if the developers dont, someone else will take steemd and do it!
who remembers Kazaa? or Bearshare? Limewire?
oh how decentralized bittorrent has come a long way and is still king of downloads
Wow what a great comparison and this certainly boosts my confidence in the current site! Looking clean here compared to those lol
This is pretty cool to see!! 12+ years later and social media is everywhere. And Steemit will be KING!!
Thanks for sharing these social media platforms in their early days @frankjones.
Looking at these, I just admit that Steemit is the best out of the bunch considering that it's still in beta, and not in its final form.
I look forward to seeing the visual and feature evolution of Steemit.
Keep up the good posts!
Steemit is still in beta that's so crazy! For those that have the time Decentralized Steemit Marketplace discussion would be really appreciated to vault steemit out of beta
Network effects are very hard to disrupt, and good design typically isn't enough. Look no further than Craigslist and Reddit for proof of this - two services that have huge network effects and poor designs.
A new incentive system is the type of thing that actually could disrupt existing network effect businesses, and I'm excited about that possibility. Design of Steemit can definitely improve, but I don't think it needs to.