Do you mean to say that at long last someone / anyone is actually noticing?
The Circle jerk is REAL
The PC correct enforcers are REAL
The Whales ONLY support whales is REAL
Minnows have 3 choices:
- Wind back clock & join 12-18mths ago
- Give up & wander off. (better viewing content is avail on YT & google) & FB & twatter are 'mainstream'
- or the only soln I can think of:
Setup 5 or 10 accounts to increase voting ability (100 votes/day will earn more than 10)
- posting content is a waste of time on steem (for minnows)
You left out the "create bots" option.
Relatively speaking, Steemit still produces a lot better returns for content that Facechat or the others. It's the disappointment of realizing that you're not going to earn a living doing something creative that takes it's toll.
Especially after the early hype.
@rhondak mentioned "managing expectations".
Ok "bot creation" is an option & I have figured out some logic to create good ones. But not really a "beginner" thing?? (ie having to program to earn on steem doesn't seem beginner level IMHO)
Re the earnings, it seems the $$ are there......just over there, and out of reach.
It's the $ that make steem attractive, its the management that kills the concept IMHO