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RE: Message to the whales

in #steemit8 years ago

Do you want your rewards if it means taking rewards from somebody with less than you?
When the whales vote outside the parameters set by @smooth, and @abit, it is the bad whales that are trying to stir you up by making you think that what you had was taken from you without first being taken from those with less.

The reward curve is what it is, as you move up, others fall off the bottom.
The last number I saw was $5 a month, as you make more than that somebody else gets nothing.
Were the experiment to let things go back to what it was, the onboarding would stop completely until the greedy had milked all they could from steemizens, and then moved on to greener pastures.

Folks will get bored over the next year, and most of this nonsense should stop, provided they can't continue to make a living at it, and then we can get on to finding who is going to be successful at working the platform rather than gaming it.

Not everybody can be a winner at this.
I'm guessing <30%, which means 7 out of 10 of us are wasting our time.
9 out of 10 of us will never make it to the top 10%, that is just mathmatical reality.


You make fair points, but, just think about how many people have left that could have been great additions to Steemit, all because somebody decided he had to flag them, that is the question are these whales who flag any better than the ones who up vote? I think they are worse, their flagging has not helped me make any money, it has just helped the few who are in these guilds etc, so what you are saying is true, but only for a small percentage of writers. Overall I think this flagging has been negative.
Now seeing as this isn't helping the minnows, because, frankly the dolphins vote for people whom they know (and the only people whose voting power benefited were dolphins, for minnows it raised their voting power from let's say 0.1 cents to 0.12 cents),most probably dolphins, should a dolphin now take it upon himself to flag posts who have too many dolphin votes?

I went from watching posts with .02usd round down 18 times in a row to actually getting rewards for posts and getting curation awards after the experiment started.
Those little rewards do wonders for onboarding and retention.
Whales cannot make fair votes, up or down because they didn't invest, they early/ninja mined, they have no skin in the game.
If they had paid like everybody else will have to, then they can do what they want, but when they use their insider knowledge to disadvantage everybody else, that is an issue, to me.

For the sake of the great people that are here on steemit I hope things change. As far as Im concerned im done with it , there appears to be little that is decentralized here and I have clearly mentioned my reasons in my last two posts. I invested my coins here and have had to sell at a loss and will continue to do so over the coming weeks. Hopefully my leaving will create enough awareness that people will push for better solutions I am not the only user who has made this choice. I didnt join steemit out of greed I fell in love with the concept of a decentralized blockchain social media platform, sure my mental state is not what It should be right now but end of the day I dont like how the experiments are being run
The real greedy people are those manipulating us with terms like experiment...

The real greedy people are those manipulating us with terms like experiment...

How is the experiment greedy?

Would you like to see the same whales and users with whale trails on trending every day? While it decreases your own posting rewards?

You do know those 2 whales are not gaining any curation rewards just to balance the platform out a bit better and give newer users more weight behind their votes.

I don't blame you, @mallorcaman, there is so much disinformation being spread that finding out the truth can do nothing but disillusion us, especially when that truth is that we have been misled about our abilities to earn rewards.
The white paper calls rewards a Trojan to onboard folks with unrealistic expectations.

I recognize that stinc had to mislead us, at the very least misdirect us, or the platform would not have made it this far.
Now if we could get them to do things other than help the rich get richer perhaps normal folks could find a home here.

I recognize that stinc had to mislead us, at the very least misdirect us, or the platform would not have made it this far.

So, what other areas am I being misled on to take the platform further? @freebornangel

Well, if the rewards you get are good enough to keep your attention then the truth for you is what you got.
We can only speculate about the motivations of the crapitalusts that control what they called decentralized to misdirect us.

Perhaps they will sell out to google and then we can abandon the place on philosophical grounds.

In this Easter season, @freebornangel, as Pontius Pilate would say

"What is truth?"

When a person or group acting in concert begins to dominate an open network.
Trump : Twitter :: Chinese miners : bitcoin mining

School of whales : Steemit :: Trump : Twitter :: Chinese miners : bitcoin mining

Perhaps they will sell out to google and then we can abandon the place on philosophical grounds.

At least Google had, at one time, promised to do no evil. Most likely, the sell-out will be to a Beltway based PLA Unit 61398 front company.

I absolutely agree with you on this, steemit is far from being a decentralized type of thing, the whales shouldn't get this much power at all, that makes them in charge, which shouldn't be done on a decentralized social network... The concept was amazing, but it's unfortunately not what the end product turned out to be. :-/

The concept was amazing, but it's unfortunately not what the end product turned out to be. :-/

Steemit is based on the assumption that there will be self-sacrificing, self-deprecating, benevolent oligarchs, @abso

Thank you, very well put.