
So what it is?@instructor2121 Answer to this question above by @freedomnation would help your cause. I believe this has been asked of you before without reply which insinuates either a. You Don't want to answwr because the truth will make you look bad or b. No answer = hope this goes away.

We are in the process of developing 100+ websites all on steem. expanding the steem platform and ecosystem.

We dont need to "help" our cause. we are every transparent and open..we even have a podcast every thursday...we discuss SteemTrail and a bunch of other things. Everyone is welcome to join us and ask questions.


Why don't you just use payout declined on those?

Where can I find out more about the 100+ websites all on Steem, especially as it relates to photography?

we do updates in our weekly podcast. you should join us.

Can you point to a specific place, where is the podcast? Or are you going to make me search hard for it :)

I am out of town but will do so as soon as I get a chance. This biggest concern seems to be fairness to original content creators so hopefully that can be addressed.

it has already been addressed

Hopefully this can be resolved amicably for all concerned and all involved. Hopefully transparency is the end goal. Thanks for the reply @ instructor2121Glad to know, but this a new topic of concern for me, and continues to be for @berniesanders