Steemit seems like a beacon of hope in an overly saturated multi-level marketing ponzi-scheme paradise; but when I think of the shit taste left in my mouth from penny stocks that burned me, ICO's don't seem that much different .

Stanley Kubrick already pretended to go there. RELAX.

The vibe their whitepapers and videos give off is a same-old-shit-covered-in-sugar,rhetoric that is too pungent to ignore.
So I think,
"People are making money. Ignore your doubts until you are one of them."
...and I think everyone who is not making money is thinking this as well.
lol funy:)
ICO's are most definitely as bad as OTC "Pink Sheet" stocks.
The same misguided enthusiasm is there, the same kind of hype and misdirection. Every single one has the "Web 2.0" site, with multi-parallax images and simplistic founder statements.
You could spin a new crypto-coin out of nothing, right now, and start raking in the bucks - all it takes is a moderately-convincing bit of ad-copy and a white paper that has new "technical" terms scattered around, including the omnipresent "Blockchain".
Many people will lose their entire savings in these schemes.
I remember trading a penny stock just for laughs, and seeing people posting about mortgaging the house for cash to pump into the issue. I knew it had zero future, I was there for a 1 or 2 day trade.
These people were convinced it was the "golden ticket" to riches.
ICO's sound the same, and I would avoid most of them like the plague. Even the ones I would bother trading I wouldn't hold very long.
Pumping the juryoline ico...
Might bring you back to black.
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