Thousand rupiah paper sheets, in addition to showing a national hero whose picture again holding the machete on the front, consistently changing the edit featuring an aceh artist known as the haj umar stove, or the title of the breah flm, the aceh artist whose flm is very cruel with his Kajam style with his machete style in his hand. On the back of the bill of a thousand rupiah, there is a view of Maluku's natural contours. The birthplace of Kapitan Pattimura a hero from a land of spices painted on the front of a thousand money, which has been replaced by the haj umar flm lawak aceh, now elected to become a member of the DPD.
You made an amazing content, We sould connect and support each other by follow each other. I already following you, please think about that. My apologize if I sent this post to you already.Thanks and greeting from @chanthasam
yes thank you ... yes surely we will support each other, I am glad to meet you.