
I can understand that it can seem hard.. but people make it much harder than it is, thinking it takes years of soul searching and meditation and such.. but when you can see that you are not your personality/ego or thoughts. That what you truly are is pure awareness thats when things can really change for you..but its not hard to see this.. you are never not aware this is always with you, just pause for an instant and feel just being, just existing without mind.

I guess we are all searching for something different. For some of us it is self actualization, for others it is a nice house and a fancy car. I can readily admit that I would be happy finding peace from within, but in essence that would entail me becoming the total opposite of what I am today, a materialistic loser.

not so..right here your mind is projecting out all these thoughts and ideas about what it would be like to be self realized..many are conditioned to think that the path we are discussing leads to living in a cave or something all blissed out being super detached form all things... all im saying is that connecting to the part of you that is greater then your ego sence of self..has great benifits and doesnt have to mean giving up on wordly goals and fact it helps to support your desires effortlessly like with synchronicitys in forms of wow like moments .. influencing the environment to work with you in a better way then against you through this connection and shift of perception