Anyone Want To Read A Steampunk Novel Written For Steemit?

in #steemit9 years ago

Hey steemites,  

So I want to write a full novel, one chapter at a time, in posts on steemit.  The novel would be exclusive to steemit until it is completed and after a few months I might do something else with it.  Being on steemit I thought a steampunk story made the most sense.  I am thinking of having it take place in a steampunk world that is running low on water, making it harder for machines to get steam to run on.  However there is a new mineral found from mining called steem, that when heated, gives off steam for days.  The story will be about that mineral and those trying to obtain it.  As it is quite the undertaking I want to make sure that the interest is there first.  I will start it if this posts get 50 upvotes, regardless of how much money this post gets.  If the votes are there I will start right away.

Please promote and share if the interest is there.



Sharing the similarities of steem/steam aside, the steampunk genre is an excellent example of fantasy and sci-fi. I think it should go over quite well here on Steemit. I would read it and follow.

Thanks @vegascomic, will let you know if it gets off the ground.


Yes please, at least some creativity then all these stupid buzz feed posts...

Best, GuyI agree completely that you should do it, and with what @vegascomic said. Here in Roswell NM (yes where I live) the steampunk community is part of the annual UFO festival so I've been around many of them. Super intelligent people that would yes respond well to Steemit. Get something going and I'll let a cople of people I know, know about your work.