➢Furious Apparel:
➢Lifting Gear:
▶️ DTube
Have a Good Weekend
Looks Good
That's extremely epic. I'd be highly upset if I was given the green light to drink piss and then got trolled afterward. They done gotcha good, bud.
Does Roman know what dtube is? haha
It time to tell your peeps to roll up to steemit 🤩😀
I've noticed some of the channels that I follow have been censored severely. Kinda blows, some of them are taking their content elsewhere.
Yea,me too.One channel that i follow (psyched substances) has been targeted lately by Youtube.He posts harm reduction videos about psychedelic drugs sprinkled with some stories of past experiences and some trips with various compounds .The guy removed more of 40 his best videos and it won't be enough.I'm sending him info about this site but he has yet to make his move towards this place.I really hope he does because he has some quality content that will never be ok on Youtube.
Yea they are some jaggs for demonetizing some of my favorite channels as well. Now they don't have as much reason to post newer content as before due to funds being short. Can't be posting videos consistently if you having hard time paying the bills.
Yeah a lot of channel being dragged down by YouTube, the last one is: INFOWARS.
I´m sorry but that lake is just so out of place
a transcript would be nice.
some of us don't hear so well.
I heard the next DTube update gives you the possibility to create subtitles for the videos.
basic premise - he was paid by youtube to make a video/do a stunt of drinking another guys piss. He makes the video, it's reviewed by youtube, they give it the greenlight, he uploads it, and it's deleted soon after by youtube.
If i didn't know this was true i would probably think someone is making this shit up.
Honestly, I find it more unbelievable that he drank pee than the fact that YouTube basically screwed him over. (I do believe his word, not calling him a liar!)
YouTube screwing people over is just the norm right now, and it may not sound like a big deal, but each video that's deleted, demonitized, or deemed innapropriate is essentially hard work wasted.
I try to upload a video once a week, and it's a couple hours of recording, a couple hours of editing, and then posting and promoting. Altogether it's probably 8 hours for just one video. When YouTube does something with that video, they're messing with a full day of work!
I imagine he spends more time than me on his videos, and he actually profits on them, so it's even more aggravating for him!
lol I'll upload the video here. You KNOW that if I was filming with Steve-O of Jackass then you KNOW it was actually done haha is looking better and better… thanks YouTube for digging yourselves a hole which I hope you never come out of. You censoring pieces of $#!%. Nice vid showing the truth of what YouTube is doin.
Fuck Youtube
So what I'm hearing is that an intermediary, Youtube, signed off on content they wanted you to produce for the platform. Then they took said content down because of -insert some asinine bureaucratic bullshit here-.
Well Pete, what you have here is a big 'ol sucking sound problem. And that sucking sound is some pointless, shit-for-brains corporate intermediary poking their nose into your creativity in an attempt to inhale as much of your potential gains as possible. In this case, the pig making this sucking sound, tripped over itself in fine fashion and wasted your time and efforts in the process. That's some bullshit...
Don't fret, there is a solution, you've found it already. Dtube. Welcome :)
Well I'm glad you found the right path with Steemit!! :)
Youtube actually made you produce a certain content and then removed it from their platform? What is wrong with them?
Oh and btw, Roman Atwood? You should get him to Steemit! :)
youtube is oldschool DTUBE IS FUTURE!
Just try putting homestead in the title of your videos @furiouspete123 it's an instant death on YouTube no monetization and no way of getting on trending.
So Youtube is starting to bite its own tail.
excellent fun to rant about youtube on here :D
you know what
Thell youtube to do the stunt and show you what you did wrong :) with real piss :)) i love to see how they will improve :*

Your place looks nice my dude
Fuck Youtube. They have became so watered down it's disguising .I started watching youtube because i was sick and tired of TV and their watered pg13 content.Now they have became the very thing that has made them different and interesting to watch. Youtube has became too dependent on commercials .Thats the beauty of dtube, it doesn't depend on adds and therefore can never loose it's ability to be unfiltered.
google has turned evil we knew they would go this way was only a matter of time.
Yeah - Honestly, YouTube has gone down the drain. I've moved over and am in the process of migrating my small, but important to me fan base. The demonetization, the ability for them to delete videos without notice, and the fact that they are just trying to make the platform politically correct and non-offensive to a fault is creating a platform in which the only videos will be cooking shows and makeup tutorials.
A shame, but at least we have Steemit, DTube, and DLive.
Damn, it hurts to hear that Pete . I was a content enthusiast for 10 years on that platform and it sucks how they've been swallowed up into this pc culture
I see this time as time of dying media-elites. All centralized media, whatever or not social, seem to be just squirming before the invenitabel end. Here in finland, biggest news paper gets called out for spreading miss-information on their own comment section. Things are fucked up, but elite has always taken it's time to dye.
Yeah! YouTube sucks. I want to say more bad things about YouTube but I want to stay family friendly even with my comments. I was a small channel of only about 4000 subscribers and producing quality family friendly content. Then YouTube shut me down without any warning or reasons even though we followed all their guidelines. I really don’t care about money. I just wanted to share my videos to the public. Now I make it a personal duty to bring all my subscribers to DTube.
Youtube has become a cesspool of SJWs + soy boys and is now run by crazy leftist feminists seeking to destroy the world as we know it. Death you Poo Tube!!
Drinking piss - you been hangin with old mate Bear Grylls?
great idea
Upload it here, I'd like to see it, fuck ShitTube
give me a shoutout plz
I'm just hearing more and more heavy ish about YouTube. They even owe me money. They've become a stench even to big homies like yourself @furiouspete123.. i love Stevo 32!!
Thats ridiculous. I feel like YouTube is like a highschool, and if you don't fit in a certain group, then you might as well just sit on the sideline until its over.
Furious Pete in Romans house dream come true! Now i go watch Romans vlog :D
I quit youtube 2 years ago, they took ad's off a lot of my videos because sometimes I curse when I game. I'm glad I found out about Steemit and DTube and DLive, I really think I'm going to make videos again I love it here. I also enjoy watching steveo I miss the jackass days when he was with johnny knoxville etc.
100% right