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RE: To Steemit Or Not To Steemit? That's The Question

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

@clevecross makes a good point. I'd like to add that the concept of Steemit is so incredibly young. It's hard to draw conclusions form a platform that's so fresh and still in development.

I'm confident that once the user interface becomes more accurate and things like groups and topics become easier to follow the community will get more divided and people will find your work and appreciate it. Right now its a needle in a haystack situation.

You can see that the focus right now are Steemit, tech, crypto and science. You could mix those up with things that you find of interest yet I believe it is much better to stick to what you actually want to tell and forget the dollars.

The money will come when people see your authentic, and when they have the right tools to find your work, Which currently is not the case at all.

Longevity is an underrated term in today's hyper fast society.



thank you for your comment bro :)

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