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RE: Living Off of Steemit During Bear Market

in #steemit6 years ago

Well shit, none of those options sound very viable with your skillset. As skillful as you are with photography and words, I would be saddened to watch you become a stripper or prostitute, but I would support you in which ever decision you make. You are an intelligent woman, with the foresight to protect your future. If Steem craps out, (Which I don't beleive it will), I'm confident enough to believe you will find another way to monetize your talents.

Remember I said in the past, you are multi faceted. If anyone will surive this bear market, it is you @eveuncovered

Nice thoughts, I enjoyed, except for the vision of you as a prostitute.


Now I am offended, I think I would excell in any of those options if I needed/wanted to! 😤

I hope you'll accept my apology. I am not really sure what else to say, other than I didn't mean to offend you, and I am very uncomfortable now.

Lol, relax! I'm mostly joking, tho I still think I would be really good in any of those scenarios.

Yes, you would!

Phew, I feel so relieved you aren't mad at me. I thought I pissed you off!


I'm sorry I offended. I must not have conveyed my message properly.

You excel at everything you partake in, and you perform with a high level of aptitude. Yes, you would excel in these professions, but you would be minimizing and limiting your potential, in my opinion, based off of what I've learned about you.

I tried to convey it as a compliment. That was my meaning @eveuncovered