I really didn't find this article too long. I enjoy a good read. It's nice to disconnect from the anxiety ridden world of distraction by becoming immersed in some good text.
Personally, I've tried to cater a bit to the attention deficit community by keeping my posts short, sweet, and to the point, but at times, I often feel like a sell out by doing so.
I feel I'm a tad bit better at writing than your average Joe. If you don't agree, I simply don't care. I like how you keep it real too, so I'm ok with you calling me a chode if you like.
Perhaps the simple language you suggest isn't a bad idea. I do try to get crafty with big words sometimes, and only a select few can really comprehend that shit, I have to remind myself. I also proof read about 3 times, and still find errors. I guess I'm just dyslexic as fuck. Oh shit I actually spelled that right without a damn spell check? wtf..
Luckily, I can type with retard speed.
The only thing I haven't done much with is paid upvotes, and this is due to me being a broke ass minnow. I pay for a few upvotes here and there with like 0.1 SDB and I also realize that this is pretty redundant, but it may get me a few extra views, and upvotes.
I realize I'm turning this comment into a fucking blog, so I am going to stop now. I enjoyed this, Thank you.