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RE: Steemit Needs Series: Please comment with your ideas to improve Steemit!! | E. 12 | Aug. 2nd, 2017 | Community Engagement | Archives to help Developers / Community.

in #steemit8 years ago

Cool! See anything that catches your eye yet? :-)

I'm adding some more designs tonight probably. I'm working on something a little different at the moment that I think will be fun.

I recently made this:

But I want to make 100% sure it prints properly, so that's set to private until the sample comes through. (Fingers crossed).


No, I basically mentioned to you here and maybe in chat also what I am looking for.

Yes you did.

I just wondered if any of the new stuff added may have interested you. :-)

EDIT: I mean design wise of course.

I dm'd you a few mins ago figuring you would see it at some point too. With a solid simple ex. of one of the things I am looking for.

Got it! Sent you a few replies too.