Giving My Little Penny of Steem - When Your One Cent is Your Everything - My Steemit Newbie Penny Plan

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Steemit is an interesting metaphor for life. On here, I am only worth a penny. And, I gotta tell you, that's not far from my reality in life right now. Yup. Sometimes, we all hit rock bottom.


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See, here on Steemit, I am a newbie, a minnow, my opinion is only worth one cent, literally. No matter how many times I hit that refresh button on Steem Now , I am still only worth a penny.


But that is ok with me. After all, a week ago, I was not worth anything on Steemit. I have literally doubled my worth. True story. That little clicker sat at $0.00 for at least seven days, the week before Christmas. I didn't care. I jumped around and upvoted every article that I read until the end. And, sitting on zero worth, I had nothing to lose. Just like in life, there is a freedom in that.

Besides, I was thankful to read and soak up info, ideas, art on Steemit without ads. I can't stand ads.

So, even not worth a penny, Steemit was worth the world to me. I enjoyed this $0.00 freedom of upvoting. It was like that old Janis Joplin song, "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose."


Yup. The freedom of nothing. It was a great week, right up until day 7 on here.

That is when I first started getting paid. Just like in life, money changed everything. A little steam here for a comment a few steem based dollars there for posts. I was stacking the steem as @stackin puts it ... I was working my way up to that one cent vote!

Then, it happened. I refreshed that Steem Now screen and the little ticker said $0.01 ! Yea, dog. That's a penny, right there, money, and I was thrilled. I hopped around and started dropping that penny everywhere I found good content. After all, I am a writing teacher by day, I love to read and reward good writing. I was like a kid in a candy shop.

But, then the penny ran out. I freaked out.


So, I took to reading blogs on Steemit about steem power. I bookmarked a few. I learned much from @titusfrost in an amazing video for newbies I learned about that green voting power bar on Steem Now . I never really saw it green. By the time I realized it changes color, I was in the red. I think my voting power was down to about 10 percent.

Not good.

So, I took a break. Fortunately, it was Christmas and I had some time away from the computer. Since then, I have devised a plan. I will only vote on blogs every few days, bookmarking the ones I love. Back to that life metaphor, like in my life, I will use my penny like an A++ ... not everyone can get one and it is tough choosing. But, I only have one penny, and only for a limited time.

In the meantime, I will comment like crazy to show my support. That works well with me, too, because surprisingly, I enjoy the Steemit comment section. Thank you to Steemit developers for figuring out how to keep most trolls off this platform. My biggest kudos goes there. No one likes trolls, online or in life. True that.


In place of upvoting constantly, so I can grow my steem power, I will resteem articles more often. I don't think that eats up steem power, but I may be wrong. I mentioned I was a newbie, like in life, I am wrong often ;) I will test out my resteem theory to see if it eats up the steem power bar. Any dolphins or whales with an fyi, I'd love a comment below. Any advice is appreciated!

I will also continue towards my goal of blogging twice a day and adding 25 followers a day (for the first 10 days of January, while I am off of work). As a newbie, I am taking @stackin advice and focusing on making friends and building my follower base! So far, it has worked. I am up to 129 followers (last I checked). I have been taking my time to read many of the ones who follow. I want connections. I love that Steemit has so many enlightened, enthusiastic souls from all over the world. Growing connections is difficult and time consuming but well worth it, especially while I am only worth a penny.

That's my plan. Oh, and I will continue to convert my sbd to steem and power up. I am in for the long haul. Steemit is definitely worth the investment. What do you think of my "Penny Plan"?


Do you have suggestions for newbies like me? Drop your best advice for minnows below, I am all ears!! Thanks to all who helped me get to week three!

Oh, and many thanks to @themarkymark for his excellent guide to markdown. I can now link my sources! What a blessing. Find his blog here

Happy 2018.
Blessings, Gator

"And Jesus sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” ~ Mark 12:41-44


I think that's a great attitude and plan - Take a look at my wife's blog, @countrygirl. She came back on steemit after several months' hiatus and had no steem power and couldn't even post. It took the first month to get her up and running- and that happened even with a depressed steem dollar. Build relationships - follow peeps like @creatr, and @lydon.sipe - you share a lot in common with them and they are loyal and encouraging. It won't take long.

Thank you so much for the encouragement and connections. I already follow your wife @countrygirl Love her blog! In fact, I think she was the first person on here to resteem one of my blogs. Thank you! The Lord sends his good angels on all platforms :) I will work on building those connections. Happy 2018! Blessings

Hahaha. I guess minnow has joined the ranks of padawan, grasshopper, noobie, fresher, e.t.c.

As a fellow minnow myself, I am yet to resteam anything at all :) Perhaps I will make this post my first one. I'm not sure what effect that has on your or my account, but hey, like you said, we're worth so little now that this is the best time to try things out and learn.

Ha! So true! Look you got my penny!! Just think of it this way, we may only be a penny now, but soon we will be double that! We are headed for $0.02 any day now ! :) Blessings

I just gave you two 0.02 and 0.01, yeah, I'm a fat minnow lol. I've been eating since the last 16 days I've been on. Lol. It feels great to be able to tip commenters or posters who's words you appreciate. And by the way, vote about 20 times a day to keep your voting power up. I had to do a 10 day vote fast to get back to 100% by the time I knew it was worth something. Also comment more. Don't target whales articles but one once tipped $8 on my comment, so you can try once in a while but go for any article you're interested in. I'm learning daily too.

Ha! Thank you!! We will rise together, minnows uniting pennies count for something! :) Thanks for the advice. I did not realize that about upvoting 10x a day. I'll try it out and may need to add it to my plan! Happy 2018 Blessings

You're welcome. Yes we will. About voting, 10x but spaced out.

Ok, I am new here and going to start my channel. Off to watch Titus’ video and I will be checking in on you! Thanks so much!

Congrats! I saw you in the chat today. I followed LTV on to Steemit and glad I did. It is a great forum and I am making a little money. Good luck. Blessings.