I hack Steemit every day. The rewards in STEEM and STEEM dollars are very lucrative.
I will share my secret with you here, so you can do it too….
(Written simply so that even a child could understand)
- Create account
- Sign In
- Read
- Vote
- Post
- Wait 24 hour… miraculously STEEM and STEEM dollars appear in wallet
- Repeat steps 2-7 as often as you like.
This crypto currency hacking method is fool proof:
- No hunting for exploits
- No elaborate coding
- No twinges of conscience
- No irate community
- No FBI
- No looking over your shoulder
- No regrets
Methods to speed up the STEEM hacking processes:
- Take money (or proceeds of other hacks)
- Buy bitcoin
- Exchange for STEEM
- Send to wallet
- Power up to STEEM Power
- Vote (has more oomph)
- Post
- Wait 24 hour… miraculously STEEM and STEEM dollars appear in wallet at faster rate
- Repeat steps 1-8 as often as you like.
Other spin offs
(if you still have too much time on your hands, now that your hacking is making so much money)
- Look for exploits
- Resist temptation
- Develop solution
- Engage with Dev team
- Become white hat member of the community
- Post about heroic activities
- Post about resisting temptation
- Post about…… everything
- Wait 24 hour… miraculously STEEM and STEEM dollars appear in wallet at an even faster rate
- Become the hero
- Be worshiped…
- Repeat steps 1-11 as often as you like.
So next time you are thinking about hacking for crypto currency, try my simple recipes first.
New job description: Life hacker at Steemit.com
I think quite a few job descriptions will change due to the innovations that steemit is introducing to the world. Many people are expecting blockchains to make a huge impact on society. Steemit.com is showing the way with a mass adoption working platform, that demonstrates exactly the power of blockchains, once the technical bits are covered and partially hidden from the user.
Is true
And it is interesting.
Please dont spam, it doesn't work. It will get you downvoted.
i have understood already. Sorry.
excellent, many of us spam a bit in the beginning, thinking it will help. Now I can vote you up :)
Can't find downvote!
EDIT found the downvote flag. Came back to update :D
Today people grab any)))
love this one
Thanks but Im stiil not seeing much return. Its been a week and I think I made .001 steem. I have been loading steem of my own and up voting all kinds of good stuuf.... ??
Keep at it, you need a lot off STEEM Power for voting, concentrate on authoring in the beginning or at lest wring good comments, those earn too. Rewards are slanted towards authors as starters and voters when you have lots of SP
Thanks for the encouragement this is the highest earning post I have so far lol....
But yeah I see what your saying thanks again.
Got to keep plugging away, we will all have our day!!
Do i get it Right that you have like 15 steem power as a starting Bonus and when you get your own steem power they decrease it?
Thanks for share @gavvet we love White Hat method . :D
So much more can be accomplished with building rather than breaking down...
Let's hack it together
not only is steemit introducing crypto to the masses but now hacking too.
Yes, I can add hacking to my portfolio now
Best tell my mum I'm a hacker
would she be proud?
she would probably think I was a lumberjack
What's wrong with lumberjacks, apart from the plaid shirts??
To a light place this line of thought will carry us. Great advice we must take.
Thank you, Master Yoda
Let's see what may soon
Good advice! The only way to maximize steem's potential is through integrity!
Integrity is in short supply when money is involved!!
that`s basicly about how it work in this community bro :v (thug life)
Enough to drive you crazy!!
You just summed up this platform in one word!!!
Agreed, I'm having a lot of fun posting and working out how to make the most of it!!
not only is there great content, there is also great interaction and its fun to work out different strategies
Such metot hacking can only be a very large group of hackers ) We crack together!
Reading this made me smile :)
One down 7 billion to go.
cool reptile
Where can I learn more about being a white hat member? Also, you are allowed to make an unlimited number of accounts?
You can, but its better to focus on just one account. concentrating your STEEM Power into one account is better in the long run.
Ah yes of course. I want to have one anonymous and one non-anonymous account, is that possible? There are some things I would like to write about without people knowing who I am (personal issues, etc.)
That can work too.
So many jobs for everyone! Who says bartenders are the way to go?
At least here you don't have to put up with drunks :)
Only the ones in the minibar!!
This hack seems legit. I will give it a shot!
When I started out my attitude was, what's there to lose?
It's all to gain!!
How could this be? my balance doubles after 5h of my first deposit!?
I had 8.318 and now i have 16.636 STM points
like magic!!! lol
Yes, Miraculous isn't it ;)
cool! I will test!
It works!!!
I did the second method!!! and transfered the Steem points!
THIS is the kind of hacking I can get onboard with! great post :)
yip, nothing to lose, plenty to gain. Keep steeming.
Yes, let's keep steemin!!
I tried your method but now my monitor is shooting sparks out of the back, is there a workaround to prevent this?
Panic stations

great tutorial I already saved it, thanks for the info dude
Always a pleasure dude ;)
haha yes steem is my bread and butter, i live at my computer and love typing out my thoughts in meaningless and should i add, non-monetized ways so to be able to finally monetize my thoughts...its great!
Tried the non-monetized version, this is so much better.
Moneytizing...... A drug for the masses!!
i dont think so
I had very low returns initially, keep at it... all you need is one to go viral to get you kick-started.
Agreed, you certainly need a little luck!!
Exactly. There is an advantage to designing a system that is by designed planning to be gamed.
gamification makes any platform more interesting, and this has quite a few nuances to learn and strategies to test and develop
I liked it very much, just do it!!!
Awesome thanks!!!
usually i get hacked, in this case i am the hacker THANK YOU!
Thank you
Now all we need....
Generate free Steem~inator
I'll wait here until you've finished!!

This might help a bit too --> Ongoing List of Steemwhales, $50K to over a $million : https://steemit.com/steem/@oliverb/steemwhale-watching-greater-than-list-of-users-you-need-to-get-upvotes-from-and-watch-for-new-content
Good to have you here!
I invite you to support one of my projects:
@qwertas are planning on taking spamming to the next level?
@qwertas thank you for your anomali steemit hack :D
that's grate
Great job opportunity! Thanks for the offer, I'll take it! @gavvet.
Sorry to bother I'm in Colombia and there is not much info about this great platform down here. I want to deposit some SP from my Bittrex account but it's not allowing me. Is there any other way I can obtain the SP?
Thanks for your help!
The exchanges were blocked due to the hacking investigations... they are open now so bittrex transfers will work
Oh yeah
Толи еще будет)
I always wanted to be a white hat hacker. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Steem attack in progress...
lol... This post was gold, thank you! :-)
not working for me
Perfect job for me, when can i start?
I really feel that steemit hacking is only one method to get the cash though.
The truth of steem starts when we look past group think and we start using this as a collaborative tool where we can all continue to make more and more money as we attract people from Facebook, youtube, ect. !!!! we are all wining ALLLL WAYYYYS! :)
With some humor and exaggeration, good article im new to this . Thumbs up !
i love u!!!! so much
vote this comment is you really really rich dude
2 years later I stumble across this, interesting read lol
Life hacker at Steemit.com . I want to do.
apa betul bisa
Andai bisa akan aku coba untuk seumur hidupku
ilove you @gavvet for the tips I am very happy to see your post karna very useful thanks again for you @ gavv3t
terimakasih atas pemberitahuannya
I still don’t get how the reward system works.
@gavvet How much $$ i have to spend???