I've been a Shibe for about 4 months now so I'm fairly new. For all of you who are not familiar with the term Shibe, it is the phrase often used to refer to a member of the Dogecoin community via. Reddit.com. So here's my issue. I keep presenting new ways for us to utilize the coins to the community and I usually get a 50/50 feedback. I introduced a way for artist to present their crafts to potential fans in exchange for Dogecoins. The reason why I thought Dogecoin would have been the perfect coin for this task is that Dogecoin is fairly inexpensive. I believe presently one Dogecoin is worth 200th of a penny.
Well here is what I suggested. I suggested that Dogecoin would be the perfect coin for the fans to give directly to an artist whether they paint, draw, dance, sing, etc. If the artist releases a project for example, they can charge one Dogecoin for their digital product/project. Being that one Dogecoin is so dam cheap, a fan would think nothing of donating it. So in a sense you are making it easy for the fan to simply "give" or "donate". Now here's the thing...100 million Dogecoins can add up to some serious money. Now here's the other thing...if that artist of whatever genre of talent they are in chose to come out with an exclusive product for their die hard fans, the artist can then charge whatever amount at their discretion. The fact is...using Dogecoin as the "artistic" coin utilizes all of the benefits of Bitcoin, as Dogecoin is an exact replica of Bitcoin. So you have your security, your wallet, your highly ecrypted backup phrases, but get this....Dogecoin handles way more transactions than Bitcoin does. Also, because the Dogecoins' fee is so cheap, people are more apt to use it as a means to send money. Imagine a DJ spinning records live on a stream and actually making a living for himself right in the comfort of his home. No middle man, no pressure, no forever and a day to get paid.
Now heres my problem with the Dogecoin community more so than my fellow Shibes. Keep in mind, some of the members actually agree with me. My problem is many of Dogecoin's members seem to be content with simply cheer-leading the coin instead of finding uses for it. The fact of the matter is...if Dogecoin does not seriously find some sponsors or companies to back it's utilization, I can see Dogecoin finally fading away. Implementation is what creates "forward" changes for these coins. If the coins however are simply sitting and their only use is in the exchange, it will surely be a long road for Dogecoin. I've presented several ideas and they have all been criticized for the most part. It makes me feel very unmotivated because I love the Dogecoin community. I've learned so much about blockchain in regards to cryptocurrency thanks to those old school guys at Dogecoin. But I want to see this coin take off way more than it has. There were way too many Dogecoins made and thus way too many circulating to not utilize them on a bigger scale. Any thoughts or comments on this?
Nice read brother. I've had my experience and expectations with doge coin. Really hope they continue to build the platform.
I appreciate it. Keep following.
I don't have any DOGE Coin yet but I will buy some in the future. Just a small amount to Speculate.....
I agree that we need to start using crypto-currencies instead of just holding them. Even if every crypto-fan just used 10% of their gains to buy things, be patrons or make donations, it would be a big difference in the adoption of crypto-currencies for real use cases. That's what I'll be doing and what I am advocating for.
get Doges all 5 minutes
best faucet
Yeah I'm up on those guys. Tired of Faucets..too much work for too little reward.
Dogecoin was never really meant to be taken seriously from the start, which is probably why there is a lack of effort to grow.
I'd have to agree with your assessment. It started as a joke, and will end that way if there isn't a reason to use it.