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RE: The Future of Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

Yeah, the only way SMTs will work is if they disallow whales.

Let me go one step further: The only way Steemit will work is if they disallow whales.


P.S. This isn't just a "free market," this is the dystopian look at free market. This is why most free markets need some moderation to actually work.


Or we need to organize to combat this behavior anarchically instead of appealing to authorities. I think communication is a major part, and fighting censorship on the platform from bad actors/abusers. It is really a case study in anarchic conflict management, how do we police our open commons from abuses, while following the ethics of anarchism?

The problem is, the only communication that helps is communicating with whales that listen to try to stop this. I could gather together 10,000 people like myself and convince them all to give up all profit they can make and spend their lives flagging abusers all day (I couldn't actually even get close to doing this do this) and our collective downvotes could knock $100 off the rewards on one of haejins four posts. Even then, he's just the beginning. At least he isn't actual spam like most of what the bid bots upvote. Conflict management doesn't work very well when there are power differentials that are in severe excess of what you're likely to ever encounter in the real world.

You are right, this is a laboratory for what is going on Inc the wider world of fiat money. Very interesting game: how to keep people with power from being assholes!

The only way to become a person with power is to be an ASSHOLE. Nice, ethical people always lose. Read machaveli work.

I'd like to point out that the inverse of your example is also true. @haejin's rewards don't matter to minnows. Media payout is $.02, and @haejin is taking, at worst, 5% of the rewards pool.

He's impacting $.02 by 5%.

5% of nothing is.. carry the zero... ummm.... nothing. Still nothing.

It doesn't matter one bit to minnows which whales are taking 99% of the rewards.

No matter what, 50k minnows share 1% of rewards.

I think the problem is that the market is already centralized, and on this platform, market-power is almost the entirety of power.

There are no rules or ethics in ANARCHY. Thats why its called ANARCHY. lol.

I disagree. Anarchy can only exist with ethics and voluntarily agreed upon codes of conduct. Otherwise, anarchy dissolved into despotism, which requires additional revolutions to undo.

The definition of ANARCHY is having no rules. Once you have rules, its no longer ANARCHY.

That's not true, no rules mean chaos. If you research anarchy it is basically a small governing body where everyone has a right to vote. I read, and I can't remember who wrote this, true democracy is anarchy. We can have an equal vote on what rules to follow and apply this to our community.

Right. now huge investors have a large vote compared to others here on steemit. That is not anarchy, it's a Plutocracy. That's taken from what I've studied a little bit, I am not an expert on these issues.

Has it ever occured to you people that this site MIGHT just be an elaborate social experement on human behaviour in a non advertising platform? Contemplate this.

Yes, a variety of experiments are going on....

Thank you! Yes and Inc so curious how anarchy can solve from Plutarchy dilemma!

Democratic anarchy can solve the Plutocracy problem. All the pyramid structures would be destroyed when citizens can vote on how their communities and business are run. That's why the rich and power hungry love centralized governments and having a few people own all the wealth and assets. It's hard to control small self governing communities and small businesses.

I think direct democracy could destroy Plutocracy. But than means everyone must be involved and educated on the issues that concern their community.

Direct democracy or pure democracy is a form of democracy in which people decide on policy initiatives directly. This differs from the majority of most currently established democracies, which are representative democracies.

When ever humans get together we have to have some rules, heck even nature has rules.

You are welcome, the thing that is good about the net.....tons of data to sift through and compare! I love doing that...

anarchy means no rulers. not no rules.

Just stating this again does not make it true.

From Wikipedia

The word anarchy comes from the ancient Greek ἀναρχία (anarchia), which combines ἀ (a), "not, without" and ἀρχή (arkhi), "ruler, leader, authority." Thus, the term refers to a person or society "without rulers" or "without leaders".

Anarchy literally means 'no rulers'.

Dictionaries are hard. I get it.

Without rulers- who enforces the rules? why have rules, if you beleieve so much in anarchy?

The community enforces the rules, my hunter gather ancestors just tossed the person out of their tribe when they wouldn't or couldn't get along with everyone. The people would decide. Even nature has rules like cause and effect. Codes of conduct are important...Is it okay for someone to steal what you have or murder whomever they want?

Voluntarily accepting a set of behaviorally norma doesn’t contradict anarchy. Just visit a rainbow gathering sometime.

We all follow rules anyways....lolol, we are not aware of them. It's called conditioning. People that are aware of this blind conditioning take advantage. But everyone has different kinds of conditioning so you will get all sorts of disagreements regarding rules of order. You get a psychopath involved in anarchy you will get a plutocracy, he will gather all his minions, form monopolies and take over your little economy and this will spread like a virus throughout the land until only a few psychopaths own all the assets and control all the power.

That's what happened to American's Democratic Republic, which isn't like a true democracy, which every one has the same power when it comes to their vote.

Dont worry, dandelion, the effects from the mushrooms will wear off in a few hours, and you might be able to understand who pays for the servers and bandwidth and other costs of keeping a web platform like this operating. Its not trolls, fairies or magical unicorns. ITS WHALES.

Let's do a little thought experiment!

Whales invest in Steemit for profits. We can see from BTC in the last 6 months that the best way to profit from investment is capital gains. If you'd bought BTC in May at $1k, and sold at $20k, you'd have made 20 times your money.

Whales on Steemit aren't getting that from mining the rewards pool, but they are managing to keep retention down to ~10%.

Steemit is how the market for Steem is grown, it's special use case. By doing things that will retain users on Steemit, the market for Steem will grow, and upwards price pressure will apply to Steem.

Capital gains for investors will be the result.

However, driving 90% of users off the platform YOY will cause the price to stagnate, and eventually go to zero.

Then investors will have all the Steem, and it will be worthless.


This matters.

@haejin doesn't.

Hahaha and whales can be trolls or faeries, benefactors or abusers. It’s up to them, and everyone else, to discover way too move thru this territory.

Without steemit's content creators there would be no let the big investors pay for the overhead when no one wants to use it anymore.

Even if you could get every minnow on the platform, even the weakest whale would be beyond their ability to reign in.


Valued customer- you make to much sense for these people. Its a shame they dont understand this.

That would be wonderfull! Finally hardwork would pay off and not power of money!

I say we introduce Pirannahs, to eat the whales. Then everyone is well fed. ANARCHY IN ACTION. When you have 39 whales deciding who gets what and over 400,000 people on steemit- DUH- the game is rigged. You have to be rich and buy millions of Steem to be a whale, OR- be a sneaky creepy person and take a picture of a beautiful woman and post it on your profile and show your cleaveage to get upvotes. Think about this. I always look at other peoples wallets, also. And I have noticed some people follow me and repost articles and make more than I do. Thats life.

There are not 400k people on Steemit. Of all the accounts opened in 2016, ~11% remained active as of Nov. 2017. Around 500k accounts have been opened, and around 50k accounts remain active - including bots, and multiples.

Still, 39 whales is absolutely correct, and since they own all the Steem, they completely control the platform. They are the market which Stinc serves.

The rest of us are price supports.

Вы не учитывали - российскую вилку steemit. Точная та же платформа. You have not counted the users of the russian fork of steemit. exact same page- mirror of steemit.

I confess I do not have the ability to reckon with Golos.

"...over 400,000 people on steemit-..."

Is what you said, and what my answer responded to.

Its my opinion that this is an elaborate social experiment being conducted by the worlds Intelligence gathering agencies. is an EXACT mirror of steemit.

Golos is an exact mirror of Steemit, with it's own users, and it's own rewards pool, all of which are completely separate from Steemit.

Steemit has somewhere between 20k and 50k actual users, presently, as far as I can tell.

It's practically impossible to separate actual people from bots, or multiple accounts.