We tend to think that in the US, elected officials (who answer to us) are the ones regulating our behavior and a jury of our peers are the ones jailing us. When in fact, it's unelected staff of various government agencies regulating our behavior and corrupt staff of police departments jailing many of us on whims for victimless crimes. So much needs to change.
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This is exactly why the federal "government" needs to be limited to about 600 people. And instead of making new laws, all of them should be focused on going through all the law books and repealing any law that goes against the Constitution and against our natural rights. That is their job. To be our book keepers NOT our masters.
We are to be our own masters and they were intended to be citizens who serve, temporarily at the will of the people.
Geke, are you aware that over 95% of all "convicted felons" are in jail on plea bargains, or under confessions, with no trial.