We've all been there, late night, have something to say, and the words stuck in our throats like some anesthetizing pill from an Alice in Wonderland remake gone Plathian nightmare--what, not you? Well, let me tell you how I feel -- "don't interrupt me; that's not what I said at all. Why are you taking my point out of context--and who the fuck would upvote this shit!?"
Engagement is when our psyches forget the plan and act--fight or flight swirls into one all encompassing narrative: "I'm right, I know it, and you're gonna know it too--"
The problem, the interesting problem, occurs when there is no one left to fight, when everybody agrees on the main points and sings kumbaya en masse--this is where things go to die, where we shuffle off our mortal coil and drink a nice full glass of koolaid. "I've found peace, goodbye, world."
It's in the act of fight or flight that we feel alive, this is where our senses get engaged, and we take off into new directions never thought possible: Hiroshima nightmares and internet awe.
"If it's easy, everyone would be doing it." Yes.
If you want inner peace, that's a slow opioid death or sitting in a cave for fifteen years contemplating the nature of rocks-- "that's hard...."
Did anyone even read/understand the meaning of this post? All the up-votes and little to no comments says no. Everyone up-voted because they saw the words "Fight Club" and liked the movie. I'm sorry, but this is the kind of thing that drives me insane. @generalizethis took the meaning behind fight club and applied it towards social media and how we can make it better and more than just nonsense bs, very well done. And you could even take it a step further to say the same thing could be applied to society. His realization/understanding is what earned him my-vote and I only hope that's the case for everyone else who did too. Be a part of society, contribute, good or bad. That is what I hope Steemit will really be about. Any other thoughts or actual commentary towards this post, I'd love to hear it.
Be a Voice,
Be Heard.
Just because you didn't understand the post doesn't mean its not worthy. I read and understand the whole thing. I believe this means your life has been a grey humdrum, if you have ever been in great danger or had a close call with death you would understand the prose of this post. It's not fancy its opinions and words. Not all people will resonate with all posts. And I believe most people try to find a heading that is eye catching, especially with all the downvote bots attacking up to 4 post a minute, you can't tell me even a bot is processing written posts that fast. Blessed BE
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Good points @kalaylah. I didn't think about that or take that into consideration. Feedback helps us learn from one another, good or bad, so thank you. You've helped me get a step closer to being a better contributor, listener, and person.
Thank you. It's posts like this that me appreciate steemit as a forum. It takes time and courage to put your thoughts out there and it's always appreciated when someone acknowledges the effort in kind.
FYI including steemit as a tag is discouraged unless the post is specifically about steemit. I don't think tags or at least the first tag can be edited so this is just a suggestion for future posts.
Thanks, and thanks--
Nice short analysis. Looking forward to more of this in the future!
Thank you. I try to get there fast.
I upvoted You
sometimes rocks can be cool! thanx for that and blessed be! here is one of my posts for your upvoting pleasure!