I have seen a few post of people saying that they are not being successful. I just want to say speak out on what I think about this. Just because you don't see alot of growth on a post you posted doesn't mean you should quit. You should always continue no matter what happens even if you aren't getting anything on post. Its just like saying you can't win every game well you can't get money on every post.
Its not just one post and booom you have $10,000. You work on making better post or think of good subjets/ideas to post. If you put the work into it you will get a payout. So it just an effort to putting out post and working on your post. You just don't give up because your not doing as you expect. Continue posting!
I upvote U
Yes, continue posting!
Good use of paragraphs here. Watch for spelling though! "People" "a lot" "subjects" Everyone makes spelling mistakes! Don't worry too much, but do proof read your posts before submitting, and if you find an error after, you can edit it and fix it.
Good post!