Hey Bro, thanks for the article, quality content, this took some work. I have a few things to add:
a) I personally do not think that you have to post four
times a day
b) Quality content is a big thing, you are promoting it but I see you posting stuff like a single picture with one sentence about which plant it displays earning 70$+, I do not necessarily think, that this is quality content nor do I think that this post is worth 70$. It is about your great networking and more betting on quantity
c) I think one thing which you did not mention, but you are doing, is to brand your posts with steemit logos, or do stuff like you did with your motorcycle. People like that!
d) Contribute to the Steem Community by promoting Steemit somewhere else, this is huge.
Keep it up (:
A: No you don't have to if you don't have good content to offer. B: Absolutely! Gott put your best foot forward, especially in the first month. C: Yes, I'm also applying for the ambassadorship (I'll promote Steemit. D: That's covered in #9 and I will be writing a comprehensive article on my blog after my 3rd month detailing my experience here.