Follow for Follow - One happy network of followers and new friends.

in #steemit7 years ago


So the hardest thing is to get followers, real active followers who dig your stuff, read your blogs and participate. It seems everyone is on this crazy train and are looking for self success without coming to terms that unity is everything. Alas they say "united we can create miracles and move mountains, divided we fall, fail and cause our own demise."

With that being stated I extend a fig leaf, a simple offer to noobs and pros alike, follow for follow. Follow me as I follow you, show me love, get to know me, read my blogs, interact and join a network of real active followers. No going for self, screw the world and everyone else, but rather one love, united, moving forward and making history together. Like the three musketeers all for one and one for all. The train has left the station and either we get onboard in life or wait for that next train that may never come.


Now some may say "I do not need you noob", and/or roll their eyes at this blog, and heck that is okay, To each their own, no harm no foul and surely I will not hold no grudges. Yet also as they say: "You snooze, you lose!, do not sleep on being part of something wonderful, powerful and driven.

Remember that there is indeed strength in numbers, and people united for a common cause, for a purpose, for a goal can reach the most amazing pinnacles in life and can make the impossible quite possible in so many ways.


So ask yourself, what have you got to lose? Nothing!!!

Look at the benefits: New active followers, more participation from active users and above all else someone who return the favor and give unto you what you give unto them. No free rides, no speed passes, just real people united, working together for a change rather than against each other. Remember that the impossible is merely a word tossed about by those who have not the confidence of faith to exceed and overcome.



Follow me and I will follow you, follow other posters on this blog and they may follow you back. If they do not, then unfollow them if you so choose. Life is what you put into it not what you expect to receive, you must give in order to receive. Nothing comes free or easy in life and surely not here.

Post that you are following me or others and will follow back, feel free to up vote and post your follow link. I will return the follow favor, I am certainly a man of my word and I am ready for some serious team productiveness.

Follow @georgemercado


Hi @georgemercado... you write w your heart. I would follow you regardless if you followed back. Glad you're here.

Thank You kindly, I have followed you because you are a great loving person, and we need more kind people like you in the world.